AU The 1996 Historical Documentary The Road Taken by Selwyn Jacob Analysis

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11. The Road Taken (Selwyen Jacob, 1996): Parneet

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ASSIGNMENT: FILM REVIEW Learning Outcomes The learning outcomes addressed will vary depending on the topics chosen by students. Please refer to the Course Outline for a comprehensive list of learning outcomes. Purpose Write a review of a video or film related to course concepts. Instructions 1. Who: This assignment is completed individually. 2. What: Prepare your analysis of the workplace dynamics shown in your film. You can demonstrate your learning through: a. A 500-word written short film review, including an introduction, body and conclusion (see below for more details) 3. Where: This assignment is completed out of class. 4. When: Refer to the Course Schedule for the assignment due date. 5. How: Refer to the Film Selection List available on Brightspace. The introduction of the paper should: • Provide a brief synopsis of the film (cite if borrowed), identifying workplace issue(s) • Identify the areas of analysis that will be developed in the paper The body of the paper should: • Include an analysis of the way the issue(s) are presented in the film, employee behaviour, and management behaviour • Develop areas of analysis using specific examples and/or descriptions of events from the film in order to fully demonstrate an understanding of the concepts • Include a descriptive heading for each of the key areas of analysis and subheadings, if appropriate, to help improve the readability of the document The conclusion of the paper should briefly state whether or not the people in the film demonstrated effective workplace behaviour based on the analysis presented in the paper. The Film Review Assignment Marking Rubric follows on page 2. 1 Academic Services, SOCI 3340: Society and the Workplace © 2016, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology ASSIGNMENT: FILM REVIEW Marking Criteria: Film Analysis Assignment Marking Rubric /50 MARKS = Essay Evaluation Criteria Content • • • • • /35 marks Introduction includes a brief synopsis of the film and identifies the areas of focus. Discussion presents a thorough analysis of course concepts. Responses provide sufficient detail and explanation, including appropriate examples from the film, in order to demonstrate significant understanding of the concepts in the film. Discussion uses appropriate terminology from the course. Conclusion wraps up the paper by noting whether or not the people in the film offer examples of effective and/or ineffective workplace behaviour. Format and Organization • • • • /5 marks Includes a title page or memo header with the assignment title, name of writer and reader with job titles, and date of submission. Stays within the word count (500 words). Not less than 5% under and not more than 10% over Reader-friendly presentation: easy and quick to read, good use of white space. Sections have headings that are formatted correctly and contribute to the readability. Style, Tone, and Mechanics • • • • • • Yes /10 marks Language is objective, formal, concise, and precise. Writing is unified and coherent. Appropriate transitions are used to connect ideas. Construction of sentences and paragraphs aids in understanding. Evidence of proofreading (i.e., limited spelling and grammatical errors). Grammatical errors, if any, do not significantly detract from the paper. 2 Academic Services, SOCI 3340: Society and the Workplace © 2016, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology /15% No Needs Work
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The Road Taken Review

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The 1996 historical documentary, The Road Taken, by Selwyn Jacob gives a nostalgic
view of experiences of car-porters at Canadian Railways within the recent past of the 1900s. The
film navigates the workplace experiences of the Black car-porters in the company
(Siemerling,2019). The writer explores an illustrious state of the company management and their
employees to depict the conduciveness of the workplace. It is a described address to the labor
industry. This document shall explain the state of events in the film concerning effectiveness in
the workplace. The relationship between employ...

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