UMGC Data Compliance Issues Applicable to Ballot Discussion

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In this step, you will expand your understanding of legal and compliance issues related to the cloud by investigating industry-specific compliance issues, geographic-specific compliance issues such as privacy, and cloud-specific compliance issues to determine which are applicable to BallotOnline.

You will also need to analyze data compliance issues applicable to companies operating in the European Union, including the recent GDPR regulations, and determine how BallotOnline can be compliant. The organization is concerned about EU compliance issues because the laws there are the most restrictive that BallotOnline will encounter.

Prepare a two- to three-page summary of the data compliance issues that are applicable to BallotOnline and determine how BallotOnline can be compliant.

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Explanation & Answer

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Ballot Online Question Outline
The first part of the assignment discusses the United States legal system with a focus on
the internet and the cyberworld.Topics discussed in this section include, copyrights and patents
as well as how the United States protects an individual’s innovaton.The second part of the
assignment dwells on different compliance areas for public cloud storage. For example
Geography, privacy and a specific industry like Finance. Lastly the third section discusses the
strict data laws developed by the European union.The questions are discussed in relation to
Ballot Online’s intention to migrate data into a public cloud platform.


Data Compliance Issues Applicable to Ballot Online

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Data Compliance Issues Applicable to Ballot Online
According to (2022), the growth of the internet and the emergence of new
forms of technology like cloud computing and artificial intelligence have greatly impacted cyber
law and intellectual property. The congress is granted the power to pass laws regarding
intellectual properties, by the constiutution.The act promotes the progress of science and
technology by securing the exclusive rights to discoveries to their rightful authors.
According to Pink et al (2017), copyrights grants an author exclusive when their work is
captured in fixated tangible medium. It is a form of protection provided by the federal law to the
inventors of an original work in areas like literature, music and d...

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