SHU Agile Software Development and Methodology Presentation

User Generated


Computer Science

Sacred Heart University


a. Create three child user stories from the following epic user story. “As a business traveler, I want to be alerted if weather is likely to delay my flight”. Choose one of the child user stories that you just created and write three acceptance criteria for it.

b. Create two personas to describe target clients that could be used in story writing

Use PowerPoint to make one slide for each persona

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c. You are an IT Consultant, and you are asked to create a new system for a small real estate brokerage firm. You have no experience with O-O approach and you decide to try it.

How will you begin? How will the tasks differ from the structured analysis?

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Persona of Target Clients Name: Monarch Trivedi Student ID: C70292348 Persona 1-Bob • . I am visioning following two personas who could be the potential user for this new app under development. Both personas would be gender neutral but for the sake of convenience I have described them as a male user and a female user respectively. • Persona 1.) I have named him as Bob. Age group between 25 to 45. Qualification: Atleast, a graduate from a University. Could also have a post graduate degree. • Experience: He is employed in an executive position or he is running his own business which demands frequent travelling. He is technology savvy i.e., he is proficient in the use of smart phone and internet. His work experience made him expert in excessing information via internet. As he is working in an executive position he is in a well-paid job and is also independent financially. Persona 2-Bobby • Persona 2: I have named her as Bobby: Age: 45 to 65. She could be a high school graduate with atleast 20 to 25 year’s experience behind her so as to reach the current position where she is today i.e., in an executive position. She is also technology savvy but may not be using it as proficiently as Bob. With her seniority she would be more comfortable in using an app which has a very clean profile and a very simple to understand layout with larger fonts for easy access. Like Bob she is also in an executive position or running her own business that compels her to travel frequently by flight. She is also having a well-paid job/profession.
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.



 As a business traveler, I want
to be alerted if the weather is
likely to delay my flight

 As a business traveler, I want
to be alerted so I can
reschedule my flight
 As a business traveler, I want
to alerted so I can inform my
clients in advance
 As a business traveler, I want
to be alerted so I travel before
the delay

 As a business traveler, I want to alerted so I can
inform my clients in advance
 Given is that the weather will delay my flight
 I will inform the client about the delay
 The client will reorganize their schedule and there will
be no inconveniences


Profile: 6”2’
• Works as a personal assistant
• Motivated by everyday
• Aims to s tart and run own firm
• Frustrated at difficulty in getting
business trouser suits for tall
• Wants easy access to her type of


Ivanna Shah: student

What she wants
 Likes a cool place to relax after
hectic school work
 The place needs to be large to
accommodate her with a few
 She does not mind a high cost
 She is active on Twitter and

Use of O-O approach

When creating O-O system, one starts by having
a Use case model.
In this step, one designs and analyses the system
with the aim of recognizing actors interlinked
with the system.
This is followed by drawing activity diagram.
Interaction diagram follows and involves
showing collaborations and relationships
distinguishing sequence diagrams for each case.
The forth step is having a class diagram that
involves different relationships including
dependencies, associations, generalizations and
Lastly one would draw the components and
development diagram .

 O-O approach and Structured analyis differs in
techniques they employ.
 The focus on structured analysis is on procedures and
 O-O on the other hand aims at capturing real world on
current scenarios.

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