Georgetown College Real Estate Worksheet

User Generated


Business Finance

Georgetown College


Calculate the following

Market Value Today 

Gain/Loss Since Development (excl. cash flow) 

Return on Assets 

Return on Equity 

Loan Constant 

Development Cost Per Unit 

Most Profitable Unit Style 

Construction Loan Interest

Unformatted Attachment Preview

SOFIA LOFTS - PROJECT INFORMATION Final Exam Assumptions Development Timeline Site Purchased 2/1/2016 Planning Started 2/1/2016 Construction Financing Arranged 9/1/2016 Construction Started 10/1/2016 Sales/Leasing Started 5/1/2016 Construction Completed 8/31/2016 Gross Building Area (GBA) Bldg. Area (soft.) Residential 13,658 Parking 3,000 Total GBA 16,658 Total Auto Parking Spaces 16 Total Bike Storage spaces 6 Land Use Plan Buildings Landscaping/Open Space Total Acres 0.17 0.24 0.41 % of Site 41% 59% 100% Vacant Units Current Residential Information Number of Unit Type Units Square Feet Studio (w/o parking) 3 615 Studio 7 650 Two Bedroom 6 930 Three bedroom (historic house) 1 1,683 Total 17 1 1 Averag Rents 1,425 1,630 2,200 3,200 8,455 0 0 2 $ 825,000 Financing & Value Information Construction Loan Interest Rate 3.50% Permanent Loan Interest Rate 5.50% Loan to Value 70% Amortization (years) 30 Loan Term (years) 10 Lender Required DCR (min.) 1.20 Interest-Only Period N/A Market Cap Rate 8.25% Your Required ROE 10.09 2,773,313 Development Cost Information Site Acquisition Cost Hard Costs Residential Units (gross) 1,950,000 Existing House Rehab 172,500 Parking Area 237,000 Stairwell 52,000 Landscape/Hardscape 76,500 Contractor's Fee 80,000 Administrative Overhead & Expenses 73,250 Contingency 132,063 Subtotal - Hard Costs Soft Costs Architecture 48,500 Landscape Architecture 23,650 Structural Engineering 32,000 Civil Engineering 24,675 Planning & Processing Consultants 6,000 MEP Engineering 15,840 Utility Consulting 12,350 Title 24 & Survey 15,000 Legal 16,500 Accounting, Printing & Insurance 11,275 General & Administrative 47,950 Property Taxes (24 months) 14,325 City Fees & Permits 425,000 Contingency 34,653 Construction Loan Interest Subtotal - Soft Costs Total Development Cost 727,718 $ 4,326,031
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Explanation & Answer

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Final Exam Analysis
Development Timeline
Site Purchased
Planning Started
Construction Financing Arranged
Construction Started
Sales/Leasing Started
Construction Completed

Current Residential Information
Unit Type
Studio (w/o parking)
Two Bedroom
Three bedroom (historic house)

Development Cost Information
Site Acquisition Cost

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