Intent Why the Student Wishes to Enter the Program and Field of Social Work Letter

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 write A letter of intent describing why the student wishes to enter the program and field of Social Work.

 I CHOSE A - Autism Residential programs.Examples of acceptable volunteer hours in the human services field can be:Addictions treatment centresAboriginal agenciesImmigration servicesAdoption servicesVictim servicesResidential programsHealth care settingsAdult day settingsMental health centresFamily services agenciesSenior centresEarly intervention programsCorrection centresHospiceSchoolsSo for the Autism Residential programs there are 2 more questions. These should be on a separate from the letter1. BRIEFLY DESCRIBE HOW YOUR VOLUNTEER OR WORK ROLE DIRECTLY BENEFITED THE CLIENTS YOU WORKED WITH2. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE ABOUT YOUR VOLUNTEER/ WORK EXPERIENCE TO HELP US UNDERSTAND YOUR READINESS TO ENTER THE BSW PROGRAM?

part a1. So the letter of intent has describing why the student wishes to enter the program and field of Social Work. You could make up an experience in  Autism Residential programs.part b1. BRIEFLY DESCRIBE HOW YOUR VOLUNTEER OR WORK ROLE DIRECTLY BENEFITED THE CLIENTS YOU WORKED WITH2. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE ABOUT YOUR VOLUNTEER/ WORK EXPERIENCE TO HELP US UNDERSTAND YOUR READINESS TO ENTER THE BSW PROGRAM?

Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer

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February 24, 2022
The Admission Board
Dear Sir/Madam,
Part A.
I have expressed intent to join the university and study social work because of several factors of
personal interest. I have always believed in making a difference in people's lives facing social
problems. I have been lucky enough to be involved with Autism Residential Programs. I have had
firsthand experience workin...

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