SUNY College at Brockport Physical Therapy Essay

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Health Medical

SUNY College at Brockport


Clarkson University’s DPT program utilizes a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum format. Read the article on PBL by Wood and write an essay describing whether you feel that PBL would be an effective learning environment for you. Please include specific examples and rational. Relate it back to Physical Therapy. (((No need for REFERENCE)))) be original.

You can access the article for free at Enter “PMC1125189” into the search. Wood DF. Problem based learning. British Medical Journal. 2003 Feb 8;326(7384):328-30.

This is the link to PBL by Diana Wood:

600-800 words

Please read the entirety of the article and answer to the best of your abilities. Imagine this as an assignment that will allow acceptance into a graduate program. Take it to that level of importance. Thank you!!!

Explanation & Answer:
800 Words
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Explanation & Answer

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Problem-Based Learning
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Problem-Based Learning

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a constructivist-based instructional technique that
encourages students to be more actively involved in their learning. In the PBL approach, projects
are utilized to increase student motivation and give a framework for presenting and discussing
what they've learned. The true objective of PBL is for learners to move from simple idea
comprehension to analyzing, applying, and explaining the importance and usefulness of their
study. Learners should ultimately ask themselves, "Why is this concept important to me, my
colleagues, and our existence beyond this school environment?" As a result, I believe that PBL
would be a beneficial learning environment for me.
PBL helps in developing one’s critical thinking skills. Before determining what problembased learning looks like in the classroom, it's critical to comprehend educators' concerns as well
as the challenges to successfully implementing PBL. He explains that as educators become more
flexible in their integration of technology into the classroom, the most important issue is to
develop thi...

Really useful study material!


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