College American Congressional Oversight of the President History Paper

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College American


  • Explain Congressional oversight of the president including impeachment, give examples. Write 5 paragraphs please
  • Do you think the limits work? Write 5 paragraphs please
  • What if Congress will not hold the president accountable to the rule of law and the Constitution? (This is the challenge for today's January 6 Committee.) Write 5 paragraphs please 

Explanation & Answer:
5 Paragraphs
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Explanation & Answer

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Congressional Oversight of the President

Institutional affiliation

Explain Congressional oversight of the president, including impeachment, give examples
Congressional oversight is one of the significant roles of the United States Congress. By
definition, Congressional oversight is the monitoring, review, as well as supervision of federal
organizations or rather agencies, policy implementation, and programs (Foner, 2020). In
addition, it provides the government's legislative branch with the ultimate opportunity to
examine, inspect, review and at the same time check the executive branch and its associate
agencies. The authority exercised by Congress to do oversight is derived from the United States
Congress's authority to investigate within its jurisdiction is known as oversight authority.
Congress is mandated to direct the departments and agencies by enacting the right legislation.
However, the United States Constitution does not confer Congress the authority to either oversee
or even direct the Executive Branch in the conduct of its assigned roles as well as responsibilities
under Article II. Instead, it enjoys an implied power of investigation. With regard to Congress's
presidential oversight, it plays a significant role in the oversight of the White House (Foner,
Congress is conferred with the authority to conduct an investigation only for legitimate
legislative reasons. Given that Congress might get information where it will be in a position to
advance a legitimate legislative purpose, other branches of the government are expected to
review the congressional information requests in the quest...

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