Saudi Electronic University Health & Medical Discussion

User Generated


Health Medical

Saudi electronic university


Adress the Following Question:

*** Do you agree that the medical coder has an irreplaceable role towards accomplishing the E-health directions in Saudi Arabia and health visions of 2030? ***

The debates should include:

Support your main post with evidence.

State agreements and provide additional supportive evidence or examples.

Ask additional questions or provide different ideas or perspectives on the answer.

Advance the participant’s ideas further by providing additional references or support and providing feedback on the participant’s experience or perspectives.

State disagreements, if any, but provide evidence or support, using professional tone and netiquette.

Reply to one of your classmates.

Explanation & Answer:
1 Page
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hii, I have tried my best to complete the task in a limited time and would like you to review it once, if you have any suggestions or want any changes then please let me know so I can help you further.Thank you😊

Medical Coding

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