The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Sports Communication Essay

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For this assignment, write a 4 page paper analyzing the impact social media marketing has had on sports communication. A key aspect of this analysis is relating your topic back to sports communication. For example, I want to know how social media marketing has impacted sports communication.

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Explanation & Answer

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The Impact of Social Media Marketing in Sports Communication

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The Impact of Social Media Marketing in Sports Communication
Social media is becoming an integral part of communication processes today. Many brands
globally have adopted the changes in advertising, which has led to an increased general rate of
conversion of acquiring customer loyalty. Close to half of the world's population is connected to
social media as a source of entertainment and information. This has necessitated the need for many
companies to incorporate different social media strategies into their organizations to attract more
customers. Many studies have shown that social media’s unique components and characteristics
allow sports organizations to meet the various needs of their fans.
The ever-changing landscape has impacted heavily on the ways the different sports
organizations tell their stories, and there are many ways that they can be consumed and used.
Online marketing has evolved to accommodate more customer-friendly approaches that sports
organizations efficiently utilize. Social media compliments sport marketing perfectly due to the
vast number of consumers. Euromericas indicate that 82% of the advertisements stick with
consumers or remember contained stars in the sports arena ("Euromericas Sport Marketing", 2022).
The increased visibility over the last few years with the fans and stakeholders finding new
ways to engage with the industry while increasing the relatability experience. This is because the
more avid fans tend to want to remain more attached and closer to their teams and clubs and focus
on receiving constant updates and news associated with their favorite players and teams. The
closeness of th...

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