Description (Links to an external site.)
More information about Napster can be found in the course textbook starting on page 279 – Sevice Provider Liability for Copyright Infringement. (Links to an external site.) - YouTube
Do you feel that the court’s decision was right in both cases? Use the course textbook or any other credible resources to support your views.
What are your personal feelings about sharing intellectual property over the Internet?
Purpose: Understand the role copyright laws play in security
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Cyber Security
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Cyber Security
Case Study
In the digital world, most of the organization shares their information via technologies.
However, strategical management of these technologies is required to prevent information
disclosure, damage, and theft. Sharing of this information may cause duplication and lack of
original ownership of these data. Therefore, copyright has been developed to offer legal
protection and to owners, to regulate the use and sharing of this information or data. This study
shows how laws have been used to ensure copyright law has complied.
For instance, Viacom and Google are indirect competitors. Making an oral agreement is
wrong as it is not recognized by law. In the first step, Google duplicated Viacom's data and
information and shared it, enabling unauthorized access; hence, Google is forced by court ruling
to delete the unauthorized materials. The access of information without the authority of the
owner is an infringement of copyright. Therefore, Google was not supposed to share Viacom
videos. Goggle made a lot of profits, although they were not the original owners of the idea.
Stelter (2014) urges that Viacom and other traditional media companies face the threat of
extinction due to advanced technologies such as the use of the internet to share data. Thus, the
idea of partnering with is a good idea, but lack of legal proofs denies Viacom. Thus, denies it
legal right over its information giving Goggle a competitive advantage over Vintage.
In the case of service provider infringement, Napster was not directly involved in
violating the Copyright Acts. However, they offer some services like peer-to-peer data sharing,
which leads to breaches of copyrights as it causes duplications of the original data (Corford,
2005). The data material being shared lacked permission and authority from their original owners
is a violation of copyright rules (Oganyan et al., 2018). The court of appeals rules that they have
to monitor their customers’ data sharing and block any infringement actions notified by the
copyright owners. Thus, Napster was liable for lack of compliance with the copyright laws
following its closure.
Personal opinion regarding the use of the internet to share intelligence informati...