UMGC Military and Professional Bearing Essay

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University of Maryland Global Campus


Topics: 1. write Informative Essay. Military and professional bearing. 750 to 1250 words Topic 2: Compare and contrast essay: Followership and servant Leadership

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Military and Professional Bearing

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Military and Professional Bearing
The military is always regarded as the disciplined force because they depict high levels of
professionalism through practical discipline and respect to the authorities. In the military, every
individual has a rank that beholds and conforms to specific respect levels. Military bearing is a
commonly used phrase in military positions. According to Grimmett (2018), "Military bearing is
professionally conducting oneself to bring credit upon oneself and the Army at all times. It is the
ability to project a commanding presence and confidence, uphold standards, and doing the hard
right over the easy wrong in both good and bad situations both on and off duty" (p. 2). Therefore,
it enhances military operations through professionalism and respect between the soldiers. The
professional aspect of military bearing comprises actions, communication, and appearance. This
paper outlines the meaning and the need for military and professional bearing within the different
military ranks.
Soldiers must always ensure that their actions depict the designated military and
professional bearing in the military. Occasionally, soldiers face the dilemma of choosing from
the easy wrong and the hard-right circumstances to uphold the set standards (Lin-Greenberg,
2017). Therefore, they have to maintain these standards by an action like being in the right place
at the right moments in the proper military attire to indicate their compliance and adherence to
the military bearing. Besides, this condition may seem easy to uphold; but the soldiers always
face various factors that undermine their actions towards maintaining the set standards. As
soldiers adapt to the changing environments, they may face challenges adhering to the required
steps, thereby sidelining their need to keep the necessary military bearing within their
specifically allocated tasks.


Military and professional bearing also require soldiers to have perfect communication to
enhance information sharing across the ranks. This commu...

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