Grossmont College Students Better Grades & Online Classes Discussion

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Grossmont College


Research question: 

"Do students in college that are taking in-person classes get better grades than students taking online classes"

Answer the following questions completely and thoughtfully. Remember, answers should demonstrate familiarity with the material.  Be sure to quote and reference your readings when appropriate.

1. Try out the CRAAP Test on one potential source on your topic you found from Google. Choose a web source whose credibility you are less sure of. Include the link. 

 Just summarize your evaluation of the site based on concepts in the CRAAP test.

2. Summarize your reaction to the Web Literacy text: Why does Caulfield introduce the four moves and a habit? What is his approach to web literacy? How does Caulfield's book about web literacy go beyond the CRAAP test?

3. Try this activity: Reading Laterally: 'What do other people say about this website (Links to an external site.)?'

This technique is also described on our module in Look Beneath the Surface. Choose a website  you might want to use as a source, and do a Google search for other people's pages that may have information about it. If you subtract the source site's domain from the search, you can find out what other sites may say.

For example:  If you want to find out more about a site called "," use the minus (-) symbol and the site: operator to subtract this site from your results in Google.


Try this technique using one of your own sources. Upload your screenshot showing your Google search and the results. What did you learn about your website from using this search strategy?

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


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CRAAP Test Summary
The website contains current information because it focuses on an issue in the current
COVID-19 pandemic. It is also relevant to my research question, as it discusses the performance
gap between online and face-to-face course formats. It argues that due to the movement
restrictions imposed by the government to curb the spread of COVID-19, colleges have increased
distant learning programs, but studies have shown that this may lead to some unintended
consequences for students who take these courses (Lederman, 2021). The article’s research is
fairly accurate in its comparison of student outcomes for both the online a...

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