Applications of Probability

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1.Describe a situation in which the number of outcomes is given by P(6, 3)

2. Describe an event that has a probability of 0 and and event that has a probability of 1

3. Use the information on page 684 of text (attached) to explain how you can count the maximum number of license plates a state can issue. Explaining how to use the fundamental counting principle to find the number of possible plates in a state such as Oklahoma, which has 3 letters followed by 3 numbers. also explain how a state can increase the number of possible plates without increasing the length of the plate number

4. using the information on page 710 of the text (attached) to explain permutations and combinations apply to softball. explain how to find the number of 9-person lineups that are possible and how many ways there are to choose 9 players if 16 players show up for a game.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached are the solutions. Please read through everything if you have any questions or would like to see any changes.

1.Describe a situation in which the number of outcomes is given by P(6, 3)
P(6,3) means a permutation where you have 6 options but only pick 3. Example of this would be how
many ways could gold, silver and bronze medals (3 positions) be given out to 6 competitors or how
many ways could you choose 3 books out of a collection of 6 books.


Describe an event that has a probability of 0 and and event that has a probability of 1

An event that has a probability of 0 will never happen and is impossible. For example, if you had a
standard 6 sided dice ( numbers 1-6), then the probability of rolling a 7 would be zero. Any event that
has a probability of 0 cannot possibly occur within the given parameters.
Conversely, an...

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