NSG 451 University of Phoenix Multiculturalism and Cross Culturalism Discussion

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NSG 451

University of Phoenix



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NSG/451: Professional Nursing Leadership Perspectives Wk 3 Discussion - Defining Culturalism [due Mon] Wk 3 Discussion - Defining Culturalism Due Thursday Nurse leaders must work with staff to foster respect for varied lifestyles. Showing respect to all patients and colleagues, irrespective of their cultural differences, tells staff that differences are valuable. This discussion is designed to introduce key principles nurse leaders must address in leading and managing diverse groups. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: • • Use Google ScholarTM, Leading and Managing in Nursing, or the University Library to define multiculturalism, cross-culturalism, and transculturalism. Explain the definitions in your own words and give an example of applying each term to a leadership situation. For example, think of a time in your practice when you, as a nurse leader, or your nurse leader used multiculturalism to promote inclusion among colleagues or patients. Leading and Managing in Nursing . Chapter 4,8,9.21 and 25
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The most common terms used in cultural diversity to bring out the attributes that a nurse
leader should practice are multiculturalism, cross-culturalism, and trans-culturalism. Sp...

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