Clive Peeters report

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Business Finance


Due Date : Monday 7th August 2017 by 23.00 hours

Length : Maximum 2000 words

  • Evaluate the audit reports of Clive Peeters (accessible via ACU/Library/Databases/DatAnalysis Premium) for the years of 2008 and 2009. How do you classify those audit reports? Specify the conditions that might have warranted those reports.
  • Specify the internal control problems at Clive Peeters and critically discuss the role of Deloitte in internal controls. Do you think Deloitte contributed to the fall of Clive Peeters, and in what ways?
  • Was the external auditor (Deloitte) responsible in the fall of Clive Peeters?
  • Discuss the types of subsequent events the auditor should identify and evaluate as part of a normal audit? Give an example of each type of subsequent event. Are there any subsequent events in Clive Peeters’ 2008 and 2009 operations? Explain.


Discuss the role and contribution of Deloitte, the external auditors, in the fall of the company? You discussion should specifically revolve around internal controls, fraud and audit report.

You are required to write a business report addressing the questions. Your report should be presented in the following format:

  • Your full name and student number
  • A table of contents
  • An introduction
  • The body of the assignment
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

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ACCT300: Auditing and Assurance Services Supplementary Assessment Due Date Length : : Monday 7th August 2017 by 23.00 hours Maximum 2000 words 1. Evaluate the audit reports of Clive Peeters (accessible via ACU/Library/Databases/DatAnalysis Premium) for the years of 2008 and 2009. How do you classify those audit reports? Specify the conditions that might have warranted those reports. ( t?ASXCode=CPR&daterange=all&subtype=03001&subtype=03017&subtype=03011 &anntypes=0,1,2,3&xtm-licensee=datpremium) 2. Specify the internal control problems at Clive Peeters and critically discuss the role of Deloitte in internal controls. Do you think Deloitte contributed to the fall of Clive Peeters, and in what ways? 3. Was the external auditor (Deloitte) responsible in the fall of Clive Peeters? Discuss the role and contribution of Deloitte, the external auditors, in the fall of the company? You discussion should specifically revolve around internal controls, fraud and audit report. 4. Discuss the types of subsequent events the auditor should identify and evaluate as part of a normal audit? Give an example of each type of subsequent event. Are there any subsequent events in Clive Peeters’ 2008 and 2009 operations? Explain. You are required to write a business report addressing the questions. Your report should be presented in the following format: a. b. c. d. e. f. Your full name and student number A table of contents An introduction The body of the assignment Conclusion Bibliography Marking Guide Contents Introduction Audit report evaluation Conditions leading to audit reports Was the external auditor (Deloitte) responsible in the fall of Clive Peeters? Discuss the role and contribution of Deloitte, the external auditors, in the fall of the company? You discussion should specifically revolve around external auditors’ responsibility in regard to internal controls, fraud and audit report. Please be specific and relate your answer to Clive Peeters and avoid remarks of general nature) Subsequent events Conclusion Organisation of the materials, format and presentation, pagination, spelling, overall presentation, correct citation of references Total Max marks 5 20 40 20 5 10 100 Grading will be based on critical analysis of the issue, evidence of wide reading on topic, coherence in the development of arguments, use of appropriate evidence, and clarity of expressions. Submission guidelines Students should submit their assessment via SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT Turnitin link on the ACCT300 LEO page no later than Monday, 7 August 2017 23.00 hours. Other forms of submission, i.e., faxed, emailed or posted assignments are not acceptable. Submission deadline is strictly enforced. Assignments must be submitted with an ACU cover sheet and should: be typed using one-and-a half (1.5) spacing left justified. use Ariel or Times New Roman font size 12. display a one inch margin on all sides. appropriately cite original work, author(s) etc. Citation and referencing must conform to Harvard referencing format both in the body of the paper and its attached reference section. Harvard referencing guide can be found in the Assessments section on the ACCT300 LEO page.
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