Saudi Electronic University Blood Pressure Presentation

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Business Finance

Saudi electronic university


Topic :blood pressure

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Dear Students, Read the instructions below regarding the group presentation project, and find the attached presentation cover page. Group presentation Cover Page Slide.pptx Guidelines for Group topic presentation: "Each group will choose a case study/case history (Approved by the instructor) related to any disease which is common in Saudi Arabia" Content for slides: . First slide must contain presentation cover page (Attached) • Explanation about the case study (4-5 slides) • Medical terms (15 terms minimum) used in case study in tabular form: (1- Medical Term, 2- Prefix (if available), 3- Root, 4-Suffix, 5- Basic explanation of the term). Group can add other medicals terms related to the disease even not mentioned in the case study/case history to complete 15 terms. (3-4 slides) • References (last slide) Instructions: • Each group will have maximum 5 students. • Each group has to prepare maximum 10-12 PPT slides excluding cover page slide for the assigned topic. • The group shall be provided maximum 15 minutes to present the topic including question /answer session. • Each group member has to present equally • The group will be graded as per the “Presentation Marking Rubric"
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Explanation & Answer:
14 Slides
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Explanation & Answer

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Quality of life and Awareness of
Hypertension Among
Hypertensive Patients in Saudi



Explanation of Case
Study about Blood


Medical Terms





What is Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure, often known as
hypertension, is a condition in which
the blood pressure is greater than
usual. Your blood pressure fluctuates
throughout the day depending on
what you do. Blood pressure readings
that are regularly higher than normal
might lead to a diagnosis of high blood
pressure (or hypertension).



Hypertension (defined as a systolic blood
pressure of greater than 140 mmHg and a
diastolic blood pressure of less than 90
mmHg) is the most major modifiable risk
factor for cardiovascular and renal illness,
as well as a leading cause of death.

Both emerging and developed
economies face severe public health
challenges as a result. According to
the World Health Organization,
hypertension affects an estimated 1.13
billion people worldwide. Each year,
seven million ...

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