Maricopa Community Colleges Health & Medical Essay

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Health Medical

Maricopa Community Colleges - Rio Salado Community College


For this journal reflection, answer the following questions. Review the attached rubric before submitting so that you can earn the best possible grade for your reflection.

1. You have been asked to teach a class on the prevention of burns. What should you include?

2. What is the CDC's current thinking about Head Lice? What Information do they provide about students diagnosed with live head lice?

Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Public Health


Journal Reflection

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Institution Affiliation

(Total Words:439)

Public Health

Question 1: Fire Prevention Class

The first step will exemplify the various types of burns that can occur in a workplace, such as
chemical, thermal, sun exposure, and electrical burns. The second step would consist of
classifying the burn lesions: first degree (minimal damage), second (the burn extends beyond the
superficial skin layer), third-degree (both the epidermis and also the dermis are affected), fourthdegree (all the layers are affected) (Schaefer, Szymanski,2021). In terms of prevention, I will
provide protec...

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