MDC Modern Anthropology Discussion

User Generated



Miami Dade College


1.  Visit the American Anthropological Association website and view the content in "What is Anthropology"?

2.  Next,explore "Careers in Anthropology" and watch the two (2) short videos featuring Diego Vigil and Tricia Wang about their work as anthropologists.

When you are done watching the videos, provide individual answers to the following questions:

1.  What do you hope to learn from this course?

2.  What subfield(s) of modern Anthropology are you most interested in?  

3.  Briefly explain how do you think Anthropology relates to your field of study and future career goals.

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.Hey I am just about done. Just waiting for you to give me guidance on the last part. If I don’t hear from you soon I will just fill it in for you and wait for your feedback. Cheers and will be in touch very soon!
Please view explanation and answer below.



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1. What do you hope to learn from this course?
I hope to learn how people develop and maintain social relationships. This knowledge
can help me boost my ...

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