Miami Dade College Emotional Disorders Discussion

User Generated


Health Medical

Miami Dade College

Question Description

I'm working on a nursing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

When I Was Growing Up…How were older adults in my family treated?
What did I observe about the treatment of older adults in society?
How were people with mental or emotional disorders viewed?
What language was used to describe aging, old age, and older adults with altered mental function?
What words did my family use, and what was the connotative meaning of the words used, to describe older adults? Was it positive, negative, or mixed?

Explanation & Answer:
400 words
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.


Personal Reflection

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Personal Reflection
Question 1
When I was a child, my grandparents and great-grandparents were treated with dignity
and respect. We spent a lot of time together as a family when I was growing up. Before, my
mother and I would spend time at my aunt's house, cook meals, host parties for family members,
and most importantly, spend time with my grandmother, who had passed away recently. All...

VafgehpgbeAhzoreBar (10434)
Cornell University

Goes above and beyond expectations!


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