AU Nursing Discussion

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1. Discuss the purpose, role and impact of professional nursing organizations and Political Action Committees (PACs) in advancing health policy issues? Provide a specific example of a professional organization or PAC. Describe the structure of the organization committee? Highlight achievements of the organization/committee. As a nurse leader, what are the benefits of being a member of such groups? What is the future of such groups? What examples of advocacy do you see in your current nursing practice? What are the barriers you have experienced to effective nursing advocacy? How did you mitigate those barriers? How can schools of nursing more effectively prepare nurses to serve as advocates? Advocacy in Current Practice Nurses act as advocates for their patients on a daily basis. Specifically, a significant example of nurses acting as advocates for their patients is the initiation of early central line removal for patients that no longer have a valid indication. Central lineassociated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) are identified as one of the most prevalent hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) in healthcare (Ferrari & Taylor, 2020). Each morning at our unit huddle, all central lines and urinary catheters are reported along with the indication. Any device that doesn’t meet the specified indication is identified, allowing nurses to seek out a physician order for removal. Advocacy Barriers Bedside nurses are burdened with numerous tasks which oftentimes interfere with the time spent providing care for their patients. As a nurse leader, it is part of my role to ensure nurses at the bedside have the tools they need to properly advocate while not taking them away from quality patient care. The primary barrier for nurses and nursing leaders to remove unnecessary lines are physicians. It is evident that the physicians want to provide quality care, but on occasion, outdated practices interfere with our common goals. Overcoming the Barrier In order to alleviate this barrier, our unit practice council has educated the nurses to obtain peripheral intravenous access prior to reaching out to the physician for line removal. Initially, I empower the nurses to engage in these challenging conversations, but ultimately when resistance is met, further collaboration is needed. As the unit leader, I personally reach out to the physician to gain an understanding of the hesitation. This is oftentimes the most beneficial solution to the barrier as it allows the physician a greater opportunity to share his/her insight. It also allows me the opportunity to share current hospital policy and evidence-based practice with the physician. If this step doesn’t create the appropriate solution, the Chief Medical Officer joins for collaboration. Advocacy Preparation in Nursing School Although advocacy is associated with being a major role for the nurse, there is little to no preparation provided in nursing curriculums (Mason et al., 2021). Nursing schools can more effectively prepare students by providing education on crucial conversations. Many of the new nurse graduates are uncomfortable with crucial conversations because they view them as conflict. Advocating is a key role for nurses and with the proper preparation and skills, we are empowered with the abilities to provide the quality care our patients truly deserve. References Ferrari, S. & Taylor, K. (2020). Effect of a System-wide Approach to a Reduction in Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 35 (1), 40-44. doi: 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000410. Mason, D.J., Dickson, E., McLemore, M.R., Adriana Perez, G. (2021). Policy in Politics in Nursing and Health Care. 8th ed. Elsevier.
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Purpose, Role, and Impacts of Professional Nursing Organizations and PAC
The purpose of professional nursing organizations is to advocate for the welfare of
nurses and patients in general. These organizations are vital in producing the energy, flow of
ideas, and proactive efforts required to keep a healthy profession (Matthews, 20120. Their roles
are to ensure that nurses’ welfare, such as good work environment, good salaries, professional
development opportunities, among others, are met by the employers or government. The
impacts of these organizations in the nursing profession are evident. Through these
organizations, nurses are enjoying favorable working conditions with fair rewards. On the other
hand, Political Action Committee’s purpose is to raise and distribute funds to members with
political ambitions (Political Action Committees, n.d). In the nursing field, the committee
generates funds and promotes nurses who want to contest for political positions to advocate for
the nursing pro...

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