University of Phoenix Business Essay

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Business Finance

University of Phoenix


  1. Some forms of media are so ingrained in our daily lives that it's hard to imagine a time when they did not exist. However, even the most popular and useful forms of media had to develop over time. In this assignment, you will select a form of modern media and trace how it became a staple of American society.Select 1 of the following media to use for this assignment:
    • Online video streaming service
    • Social media network
    • Video game and gaming technology
    • Research your selected media, and consider the following:
    • Evaluate how the media developed over time, and explain its evolution in the United States.
    • Identify the challenges and milestones related to its development and how the selected media became part of contemporary American society.
    • Create a horizontal or vertical timeline using a timeline template in Microsoft® Word, Canva®, or a program of your choice.
      Include the following information in your timeline:
    • List at least 6 major events in chronological order that are part of the evolution of your selected media. These major events could include important milestones, technological advancements, and challenges related to the development of your media.
    • Provide a 2- to 4-sentence description of each chosen event.
    • Provide the dates associated with the chosen events and the event’s impact on the media and American culture.
    • Cite at least 2 sources to support your assignment.

Explanation & Answer:
3 Sentences
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Explanation & Answer

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Evolution of Social Media Timeline
Birth of Early Social Media Apps: The beginning
of 1985 saw that introduction of General Network
for Information Exchange (GeNie) and Well. GE
created GeNie as an online serive. 1985 was an
important moment in social media history
especially in business and due to this, GeNie was
used until the end of 1990s (Luttrell, 2018). Even
though the site had a lot of users the introduction
of World Wide Web made it redundant.



Some critical social media cites were introduced
from 1990 to 1999 including Internet Relay
Chats (IRCs), The palace,, and others. IRCs were used for
sharing of links and files as well as staying in
touch with each other, The palace allowed people
to connect with other people on graphical chat
rooms, while si...

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