Palm Beach State College Study of Literature Humanities Essay

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Palm Beach State College

Question Description

I'm working on a humanities writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Objective: identify the importance of studying literature by examining “authorial intent” in two short stories.

How do we identify the author’s intent, and why is intent important to the study of literature? These two questions are foundational for students of literature because the beginning of all interpretation begins with the Truth we find in God’s Word. Whereas Faulkner’s intent in A Rose for Emily may be somewhat elusive and incidental, Gilman’s intent in The Yellow Wallpaper is dramatic and specifically known. Understanding the challenges associated with implicit versus explicit authorial intent, which is shaped by the author’s personal worldview, significantly shapes how a student of literature approaches the act of interpretation.

Compare and contrast the issue of “authorial intent” in A Rose for Emily.

Explanation & Answer:
350 Word
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Explanation & Answer

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Authorial Intent in a Rose for Emily


Authorial Intent in a Rose for Emily
The author’s intent is his or her reason for writing. The reason for writing is the author's
aim. The author's intent is usually to entertain, persuade, or instruct the audience. A writer may
also write to ridicule a circumstance or a condition. Looking at the author's writing style can
helps one to figure out what he or she is tr...

uraelcebsrffbe (120510)
Cornell University

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