Theory Compare / Contrast Paper
For this assignment, you will write a paper no less than 7 pages in length, not including required cover and Reference pages, comparing and contrasting two personality theories from the course. (Alfred Alders Theory on personality and Erik Eriksons theory on personality).
Your task is to demonstrate your knowledge of these theories you chose via descriptions of their key concepts and detailing the most important aspects of each theory in explaining personality. It is recommended that you revisit the material covered to date to refresh your knowledge of theory details. This is a comprehensive assignment and you should demonstrate in your work that you have studied and comprehended the similarities and the differences between your two chosen theories. This is a fact based paper only. It should not be based upon your preference for a theory or your opinion.
Your submission should be double-spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides of each page and should be free of spelling and grammar errors. It must include source crediting of any materials used in APA format, including source citations in the body of your paper and in a Reference list attached to the end.
***Need 3 references to include the below***
Friedman, H. S. & Schustack, M. W. (2012). Personality: Classic theories and modern research, 5th Ed.Allyn & Bacon: Heights, MA

Explanation & Answer

Personality Theories
Thesis statement: There are various personality theories created by different psychoanalysts with
the intention of explaining the behavior of people whose variations are brought about by specific
elements explained by the individual psychoanalysts.
1. Introduction
2. The Erik Erikson Theory
a) Trust versus Mistrust
b) Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
c) Initiative versus Guilt
d) Industry versus Inferiority
e) Identity versus Role Confusion
f) Intimacy versus Isolation
g) Generativity versus Stagnation
h) Ego Integrity versus Despair
3. The Alfred Alders Theory
a) Evolution of Adler’s Theory
b) Organ Inferiority
c) Aggression Drive
d) Masculine Protest
e) Perfection Striving
4. Conclusion
Personality Theories
Institution Affiliation
Psychology tends to have a subsection where it focuses on the differences in traits among
individuals (Friedman & Schustack, 2012). This is facilitated by the various number of
personality theories which tend to explain the behavior of individuals. Therefore, personality is a
vibrant and an arranged collection of traits possessed by a person which distinctively impacts
their environment, conduct, motivation, cognitions, behaviors, and emotions. In this discussion,
we shall focus on comparing two theories of personalities in order to comprehend the actual
behavior of individuals. The Erik Erikson theory and the Alfred Alders theory would by the
theories that will ensure that we understand the behavior of a person through their comparisons
on the way they explain these behaviors.
The Erik Erikson Theory
Erik Erikson is said to have surpassed the explanation of behavior by using a person’s
childhood and focused on their adulthood. He claimed that adulthood was not merely the
response on the childhood encounters by a person but an extension of the process of
development which is impacted by its individual past stages. This individual tends to reject
Freud’s concept that identity is formed during childhood. He claims that it is a permanent
process which lasts in the entire life of a person. Contrary to the European views, Erik asserts
that life is not determined and people have the ability to encounter change (Engler, 2013). The
concept by Erik also asserts that a person is expected to be responsible for their individual lives.
Erik claims that personality is created by undergoing a sequence of eight phases during a
person’s life (Schultz & Schultz, 2016). The result of every stage usually relies on the results of
the past stage as well as the suitable intervention of every ego crises necessary for optimum
growth. These crises are usually the conflicts in a person and they are supposed to be solved in a
manner of series so as to fa...