How to Increase Your
Emotional Intelligence
A short guide to start making emotions work for you, instead of
against you.
By Justin BarisoAuthor, EQ Applied@JustinJBariso
Emotional intelligence, also known as EI or EQ (for Emotional Intelligence Quotient),
describes a person's ability to recognize emotions, to understand their powerful effect, and
to use that information to guide thinking and behavior. Since EI helps you to better
understand yourself--and others--a high EQ increases your chances for successfully
achieving goals.
But is there a way to increase your emotional intelligence?
In their seminal research and publication, The Emotionally Intelligent Manager, professors
David R. Caruso and Peter Salovey broke down four of the core skills involved in
developing emotional intelligence:
1. Identifying your feelings and those of others
2. Using feelings to guide your own thinking and reasoning, along with others
3. Understanding how feelings might change and develop as events unfold
4. Managing to stay open to the data of feelings and integrate this into decisions and
In the book I'm currently writing, The Practical Guide to Emotional Intelligence (to be
published this summer), I share my personal journey of emotional discovery, as well as a
series of practical steps that can help you develop these core skills, thereby increasing
your EQ.
Here are seven of the steps I explore:
1. Reflect on your own emotions.
Take some time to sit down and reflect on your own use of emotions. For example, think
about how you typically respond when:
You read an email that implies you dropped the ball
Your significant other blames you for something you feel is unfair
Another driver cuts you off on the highway
A close friend or associate begins to cry unexpectedly
By first identifying your own emotions and reactions, you become more mindful and start
the process of building control.
2. Ask others for perspective.
Often, we don't realize that other people view us much differently than we view ourselves,
and vice versa. It's not about right or wrong; it's simply understanding how perceptions
differ, and the consequences those differences create.
By asking those close to us--like a significant other or close friend or workmate--about our
interactions with them, we can learn from their perspective. For example, we could think
about a specific time when we were in a highly emotional state. Ask the other person: Did
I act out of the ordinary during that time? Could you describe how?
Then, ask them to relate experiences regarding when they were going through an
emotional situation.
You can ask:
How did I deal with you at that time?
Would you say I was sensitive to your feelings and emotions?
Getting the answers to these questions will help us to see ourselves more like others see
us--and help us to understand others better, too. You can then use that knowledge to
adjust your dealings with others. (Here's a little more on learning from others to build your
own EQ.)
3. Be observant.
Armed with this newly acquired knowledge, you can now be more observant of your
current emotions. Your self-reflection and what others have shared will help you to be
more in tune with what you're feeling.
If you make any new discoveries, make sure to repeat step one. You can even write down
your experience; doing so will help clarify your thinking and keep you in "learning mode".
4. Use "the pause".
"The pause" may be as simple as taking a moment to stop and think before we act or
speak. If everyone made that a practice, imagine how much shorter emails could be, how
much time would be saved in meetings, and how many incendiary comments on social
media would be eliminated.
But remember: The pause is easy in theory, difficult to practice.
Even if we're generally good at managing our emotions, factors like added stress or a bad
day can inhibit our ability to do so at any given time. And we're not just talking
about upsetting situations; we are often tempted to jump on opportunities that look really
good at the time but that we haven't really thought through.
When you work on pausing before speaking or acting, you create a habit of thinking first.
5. Explore the "why".
Most of us would agree that qualities like empathy and compassion are valuable
ingredients to healthy relationships. So, why do we often neglect to show those qualities
when it matters most--like when we fail to show understanding to a close friend or partner
when they're going through a difficult time?
Scientists have studied what psychologist and fellow author Adam Grant calls, "the
perspective gap". In short, this term describes the fact that it's extremely challenging to put
ourselves in another person's shoes. We often forget how specific situations feel, even if
we've experienced very similar circumstances. (If we've never experienced something
similar, you can imagine how that limits our perspective.)
So, how do we bridge the gap?
Demonstrating qualities such as empathy and compassion means that we try our best to
see a situation through another person's eyes. But we have to go further than drawing on
our own experiences; showing true empathy means exploring the "why":
Why does this person feel the way (s)he does?
What is he or she dealing with that I don't see?
Why do I feel differently than (s)he does?
If you can't effectively answer those questions, consider working alongside the person for
a period of time to truly understand what's going on, as viewed from that person's
perspective. Doing so will help you see your team and family members, not as
complainers, but more accurately for who they really are:
Struggling individuals that need help.
6. When criticized, don't take offense. Instead, ask: What can I learn?
Whether a successful entrepreneur or a loyal employee, criticism is never easy to take.
You've invested blood, sweat, and sometimes tears in your work; it can be extremely
difficult when someone else comes in and tears down what you've built.
But the truth is, criticism is often rooted in truth--even when it's not delivered in an ideal
manner. When you receive negative feedback, there are two choices: You can put your
feelings aside and try to learn from the situation, or you can get angry and let emotion get
the best of you.
When we are on the receiving end of criticism, whether it's delivered ideally or not,
it's invaluable to consider the following:
Putting my personal feelings aside, what can I learn from this
alternate perspective?
Instead of focusing on the delivery, how can I use this feedback
to help me or my team improve?
There are times when you shouldn't listen to criticism--for example, when it's based on
falsehood or given in a way that's meant to destroy your sense of self-worth. But in reality,
that's not usually the case.
If your goal is to truly get better, don't let emotion close your mind to negative feedback.
Instead, learn from it.
7. Practice, practice, practice.
Like any other skill or ability, practice makes...
Better. Of course, it's impossible to have perfect control over your emotions. And learning
to improve your emotional intelligence isn't a process that happens overnight.
However, consistently practicing these steps will allow you to begin harnessing the power
of emotions--and use that power to work for you, instead of against you.
Emotional intelligence is
made up of four core skills.
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