Phase II builds upon phase I of the project. Phase I is now database driven and should allow new content to be created, modified, and removed from your website via a database. Thus, develop a content management system (CMS) to manage the company website developed in Part 1. The CMS should store most of the website’s content in a database. Primary content on each page should be able to be added, updated, and removed from the CMS management interface. The CMS must meet the following requirements: 1. Review the grading rubric for more details on exactly how your website will be assessed. 2. A biblical worldview must be reflected on the website. There are many creative and unique ways to do this. 3. In order to meet its online goals, the company has determined a minimum of 15 pages are necessary. Some of the original pages from Part 1 may exist; however, content on many of these pages will now be database driven. 4. The website should clearly describe the vision, goals, and objectives of the company. Examples of pages could be “about us,” “mission,” “facts,” and/or “biographies.” 5. The website should use the PHP “include” and/or “require” function to allow easy management. a. Header.php containing the initial header development b. Menu.php containing the navigation for the website c. Footer.php containing W3C validation icons for XHTML & CSS and a timestamp of the last time the PHP file was modified i. Strict W3C XHTML and CSS are expected. Every page should exhibit the links to check compliance from ii. Each page of the website should use a proper PHP function to show the date of last modification. 6. Web usability should be considered on every aspect of the design and implementation. The website should be centrally managed and use a single CSS style sheet to modify headings, paragraphs, font, and other styles. Navigation should be simple and follow an F-design or similar optimal navigation scheme. 7. A MySQL or MariaDB and/or SQL database should be created and named after the company. The database should store the website’s primary content. a. Do not forget to include the database script in your zip file for grading! 8. Create separate database tables to store the data for each individual project requirement. a. For example, a user’s table should store first name, last name, username, and email address for the login functionality to work. b. In addition, a login timestamp should exist. Each table should be designed to store sufficient information for the business strategy to be successful. CSIS 410 Page 5 of 5 c. Every table requires a unique ID. Make this unique ID auto_incremement in phpmyadmin. This will disallow you from having to determine the next ID for the next row that needs to be inserted into your table. 9. Account management must be developed to give at least three levels of access 1) customer, 2) publisher, and 3) administrator. The original login functionality can be used from Part 1, but it must now be database driven. All account information should be stored in a user’s table. a. Customers can add, update, or remove products/services in their shopping cart b. Publishers can add and modify text on the website c. Administrators can add, modify, and delete text on the website d. The username and password should match this exactly: i. Username = “admin” Password = “admin” (without the parentheses I should be able to login with admin admin) ii. “publisher” “publisher” for the publisher account iii. “customer” “customer” for the customer account 10. Create a fully functional checkout process and/or shopping cart solution similar to what exists on or where users can add, update, and delete products or services for purchase. a. Users should get the total price before checking out including calculated taxes b. Customers should be allowed to add, update, and remove items from the shopping cart. c. A table should be created that stores the products/services and a table should be created that stores the items in the user shopping cart. d. The shopping cart should be professional and navigation should be easy throughout. 11. Publishers should be allowed to add and modify content for at least two sections of the website such as the store / e-commerce solution, home page, blog, forum, and/or other justifiable service. 12. Administrators should be allowed to add, modify, and delete content for at least two sections of the website such as the store / e-commerce solution, home page, blog, forum, and/or other justifiable service. In addition, they should be able to add and remove users for the account management solution.
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