orient the next person sent abroad, management homework help

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Business Finance


You have been asked to provide briefings to orient the next person sent abroad. Write a briefing that will:

  1. Assist one of your female managers from India in adjusting and communicating well with businesspeople in a South American country of your choice. (Remember that South America is a continent, not a country).
  2. Assist the executive from your chosen country in adjusting and communicating well with the female manager from India.
You may include areas as simple as basic etiquette in that culture to more sophisticated elements of business communication and business relationships.

APA format is mandatory (in text and in the reference section).

There are two main types of databases accessible in the library, through “FIND ARTICLES & BOOKS.” Keep in mind that the most popular databases are: ABI Inform Global, Academic Search Premier, and Business Source Premier. As a graduate student, you must steer away from inferior Web sites with anonymous writers, articles found on consultant Web sites, materials on sites like QuickMBA.com, MarketingProfs.com, etc. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias most often repeat the information from your text. Acceptable Internet resources include among others government sites (especially for statistics). You are not permitted to use any open-source Web site in this course.

Please submit your assignment.

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Explanation & Answer



Running Head: Orientation for a Female Manager

Orientation for an Indian Female Manager sent Abroad

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Orientation for a Female Manager

Orientation for an Indian Female Manager sent Abroad
Paragraph 1: Moving India to South America in a culture that is different can turn out to
be something challenging specially for a female who does not understand other cultures.
Paragraph 2: During the orientation, I will make the Indian female manager to quite
understand patterns of communication in south America so that she could know how to carry out
business in an effective and efficient manner especially on how she will be able to coordinate her
Paragraph 3: There are two main aspects the Indian female manager need to understand
about effective business and communication in south America. First, she needs to understand
that business in south America is conducted with a lot of transparency.
Paragraph 4: Secondly, the female Indian manager should understand the advertisement
and marketing patterns and modes in south America so that she can effectively and efficiently
conduct business abroad.
Paragraph 5: In conclusion, the female manager ought to understand that the key thing in
effective business in a cross-cultured environment is the aspect of knowing well who her
business partners are.


Orientation for a Female Manager
Jones, V. (2009). Doing business in south America. London; New York: Dorling Kindersley.
Lewis, R. D. (2000). When cultures collide: managing successfully across cultures. London:
Nicholas Brealey.
Meyer, E. (2015). The culture map: decoding how people think, lead, and get things done across
cultures. New York: Public Affairs.
Miller, R. L., Jentz, G. A., & Cross, F. B. (1999). West's business law: text, summarized cases,
legal, ethical, regulatory, and international environment. [Minneapolis/St.Paul? Minn]:
West educational Pub.


Running Head: Orientation for a Fema...

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