WRTG 393 UMGC Audience and Persona Questions

User Generated



University of Maryland Global Campus


A) In this discussion topic, your response to this discussion is due by this week Friday at midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST).

You are also asked to respond to at least one other student in the class on his or her response.

Your response to your fellow student is due by this week Sunday at midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST).

WRTG 393 students,

To begin the course, we will examine definitions of technical writing.

In Content for week 1, the first set of resources available to you is title What is Technical Writing? Included in that list of resources is a link to the Society for Technical Communications (STC) and access to chapter 1 of a textbook, Technical Writing for Business People.

Based on the information in these resources, please answer the following questions:

  1. What writing have you done at work or in your community that you think could be labelled technical writing? Why do you think it can be labelled technical writing? Please describe the writing situation and draw upon the information in either the website from STC or chapter 1 of the textbook to illustrate why it would be technical writing.
  2. Do technical writing tasks have to involve technical subjects? Why or why not?
  3. How is technical writing different from writing an essay?

B) In this discussion topic, your response to this discussion is due by this week Friday at midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST).

You are also asked to respond to at least one other student in the class on his or her response.

Your response to your fellow student is due by this week Sunday at midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Your first writing assignment will be to write three personas. This discussion topic is designed to help you become familiar with what a persona is and what its role is in technical writing.

Please access the following url and listen to the podcast, "Dr. Kirk St. Amant and Dr. Guiseppe Getto on User Personas and Intercultural Communication."

10-Minute Tech Comm - Dr. Kirk St. Amant and Dr. Guiseppe Getto on User Personas and Intercultural Communication on Stitcher

Please answer the following questions. Your answers can be a couple of sentences or so.

  1. What is a persona? What do personas represent?
  2. How does a writer make a persona that is accurate, useful, and representative and that does not simply stereotype a population?
  3. What is the difference between audience and persona?
  4. Why is user behavior important for personas?

Explanation & Answer:
7 Questions
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.


Discussion Question One

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Discussion Part A
Question 1
Writing I have done at work that I think could be labeled technical writing is a
creditworthiness report. I work at JP Morgan Bank, and one of our customers, a freight company,
needed a loan. I did technical writing because it was defined by words such as bottom-line,
quota, reducing balance, pari passu, and year-on-year. I consider the information on the
creditworthiness report as technical writing because it contained facts from the start to the end,
with no abstractions.
Question 2
Tasks that touch on technical writing have to center on technical subjects. This is the case
because technical papers have to meet a 'tangibility' requirement and avoid ab...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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