Question Description
I'm working on a communications case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.
- First, explain or define the culture and communication concept of 'gaze' or 'male gaze.'
- Second, find one scene or interaction from the film The Home and the World , where any one of the intercultural communication concepts, i.e. 'gaze' or 'male gaze' can be applied, and explain the concept's or theory's relevance in this scene/film, paying special attention to how it fits in within the larger contexts of human, migrations, cultural, social and/or identity movements.
- Finally, include APA citation for the film and reading reference used, and the post should be written within 250 words. ( link might work) Please try to find your own movie link
Explanation & Answer
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The Home and the World
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The Home and the World
The male gaze is a concept that views the feminine body as an object for the male gender
to watch, own, defeat, and utilizes wom...