ACTG 64 F'C Creating Charts in Accounting-Related Worksheets Discussion

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Business Finance


Foothill College


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I'm working on a accounting writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

EA9-C1 Discuss Creating Charts in Accounting-Related Worksheets

Charts are flexible visual aids and an invaluable resource in Excel. While you used them to illustrate key data from a financial statement analysis in this chapter, they have many other accounting-related uses. It is not uncommon for charts to be associated with a variety of worksheets, particularly those that will be disseminated to many end users.

Write a paragraph of at least six sentences in which you identify four types of accounting worksheets (other than financial statement analyses). Write a second paragraph of at least six sentences to discuss how the use of charts in each worksheet would provide a benefit to the end user.

EA10-C1 Discuss Optimal Viewing of Accounting-Related Worksheets

Depending on the business in question, budgets can be particularly lengthy. As a result, many of the features examined in this chapter—including Freeze Panes, Splitting, and Synchronous Scrolling—are particularly useful in the budgeting process. But budgets are not the only lengthy worksheets for which these features are beneficial.

Write a paragraph of at least four sentences in which you identify three types of accounting worksheets (other than budgets) that can be particularly long and for which these features would be useful. Write a second paragraph of at least six sentences to discuss how you would use these features to facilitate the use of your identified worksheets.

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Explanation & Answer

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EA9-C1 Discuss Creating Charts in Accounting-Related Worksheets
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EA9-C1 Discuss Creating Charts in Accounting-Related Worksheets

Excel allows users to build pivot, column, line, pie, bar graphs, and more charts and
graphs for the graphic representation of statistical information. Choose the chart you want to
insert from the "Insert" menu. Spreadsheet administrators can use Excel charts to build data
visualizations. By selecting and loading a collection of data into the charting tool from an Excel
spreadsheet. Excel charts, ideal for use in management or company conferences, can help with
comprehension and interpretation of a data set. The chart can be used to create a clearer
understanding of a set of numerical values than a table with rows of figures in four types of
accounting worksheets: sales, inventory, stock, and cash flow.

A sales growth chart can be used to show how your firm has performed over time. This
type of chart will display a large amount of sales data on a single page and will assist you in
identifying trends that would be difficult to notice if you were only working with a list of sales
figures. The inventory ...

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UT Austin

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