Lebanese International University Thomas Jefferson Internal Conflicts Discussion

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Lebanese international university LIU


First reflective response: We learned that Thomas Jefferson, though a great leader, had many internal conflicts that made him very human. Publicly, he talked about the importance of maintaining white supremacy in America, but secretly, he had a decades-long affair with Sally Hemmings, an African-American woman with whom he fathered at least six children.

There was a duality in Thomas Jefferson’s character: brilliant leader, but with a complex personal life. Find another influential leader/person with a complex or controversial personal life. Who are they? What went on behind closed doors?

Then, reflect on whether we should remember these people for their greatness, their flaws, or both?

second reflective response: Thomas Jefferson's "Notes on the State of Virginia". In his text, Jefferson makes some very problematic claims about African-Americans and makes false claims about their physical and intellectual inferiority. Such viewpoints were widely accepted by the majority in the context of his time, which highlights the painful and troubling history of this country. Unfortunately, the racist ideologies held by Jefferson are not isolated from his era. Racism and prejudice continue to be rampant today. There are still individuals who believe those who differ from them are inferior. For this week's discussion post, describe a time you experienced or witnessed prejudice and or racism. If you do not wish to describe a personal encounter, find an article that describes a moment someone was discriminated against. Discuss the argument the racist or prejudice person was making, and deconstruct their argument by describing why they are misinformed. 

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First Active Response

Every human can make a mistake depending on whether one is well known or not. There
are many famous people who we know for the great things they have achieved, but their personal
life was a little bit complicated, as in the case of Thomas Jefferson. One of these people was the
legendary Muhammad Ali. Ali conquered the world of boxing by becoming the world
heavyweight champion. He became a great inspiration to many people among the minority races
to pursue a boxing career. However, Ali refused to join the army to help fight the Vietnam War,
which resulted in a lot of criticism from the Americans because it abandoned the patriotic calls
for his country. He got a five-year prison, the heavyweight titl...

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