MOD 1 Intercultural Competence Enhance the Company Capital Productivity Analysis

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Business Finance


In this instructor-focused check-in, you will perform two tasks: (1) share your reflections on your intercultural competencies, and (2) share your understanding of the project scenario and what is expected of you in the course and the upcoming modules.

consider the following criteria:

  1. Managing      intercultural competencies is the key to success in multinational and      multicultural organizations. As an HR consultant, you must understand the      importance of these competencies and reflect on your strengths and areas      of potential improvement. Check in with your instructor about your      understanding of intercultural competence. Consider the following points:
  • Briefly       explain the importance of intercultural competence to       your current or envisioned career.
  • Describe an       area of strength related to your intercultural competence.
  • Describe an       area of improvement related to your intercultural competence.
  1. Review      the project guidelines and rubric and share any      initial concerns you may have about the project scenario and the course      project submission due in Module Nine. Consult the course infographic to      review the course structure and check when each of the two milestones,      which pave the path to the project, is due.
  • Share       your understanding of the scenario and expectations for       Milestone One.
  • Share       any questions or concerns you may have about the Milestone One requirements.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hello🙋 Here's the final answer to your assignment. Please have a look at it then let me know if you'll need any changes made, I'll be around to assist.Thank you!🙏



Module One Check-In
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Module One Check-In
As a human resource professional, one must demonstrate inter...

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