PSY863 GCU Relationship Between Memory Metacognition & Problem Solving

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Grand Canyon University


Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) in which you explore the relationship between memory, metacognition, and problem solving. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A contrast of declarative and implicit memories. How is this contrast reconciled in light of metacognition?
  2. A discussion of the role of cognitive processes in each memory type. How might the control of cognitive processing be achieved through implicit learning?
  3. A discussion of the influence of metacognitive monitoring and metacognitive control on problem solving. How do the factors within memory and learning that influence metacognitive monitoring and metacognitive control influence problem solving?

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Explanation & Answer

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Running Head MEMORY




Declarative or Implicit Memory

The term declarative or explicit memory is sometimes used to refer to the phenomena
discussed so far in this section. In explicit retrieval situations, the rememberer views the
situation as a memory situation and engages in some conscious, attention-demanding,
controlled processing to generate a memory decision or report. The report often refers to a
particular acquisition situation, as in the cases of recognizing a sentence that appeared in a
particular story or recalling what a person said on a particular occasion. Consider the contrast
with the procedural memory built up during skill acquisition. Here the typical retrieval
situation is the performance of the skill. The measure of procedural acquisition is whether the
performance of the skill improves. The performer simply performs the skill as well as
possible, without engaging in any of the cognitive processes needed to generate memory
reports and without trying to reflect upon any particular prior practice session. Indeed, we
have argued that the contents of automatized productions cannot be declaratively accessed at
all (Graf, & Masson 2013).
In contrast with explicit memory tests, one can refer skilled performance as an
implicit memory test. In the middle of implicit and explicit memory, the difference is rather
informal and is largely defined in terms of the characteristics of memory situations rather
than characteristics of the memories themselves. Declarative knowledge, for example, is
often accessed and processed implicitly during the speech, planning, or reasoning without
reference to any specific prior acquisition situation and without the operation of the cognitive
processes associated with explicit memory reports (Clark, 2013).
Although there is evidence for metacognition largely being implicit, there are, without
a doubt, explicit components in metacognitive activities. For example, deliberate
metacognitive reasoning, explicit selection of strategies in reading comprehension,...

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