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These are the instructions: I have attached example critique also.

. Leave feedback that will help them refine their paper by questioning, commenting, and referring to the readings or other references that my support their learning and yours.

This feedback will help authors create a finalized Program Statement Memo to submit to the instructor for grading.

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Here is a critique from a student that reviewed the Problem Statement I submitted from which you can see how to format the critique. Hi Tijuana, I hope you are well. Thank you for the opportunity to review your paper. I think it's really interesting and has some overlap with my area of interest so I was excited to read it. There's several pieces I learned from your paper that I'm going to have to integrate into my own paper. 1) I like how you used the sub headings to break up the document particularly the "Problem of Issue to be Addressed by the Intervention" but I think the headings formatting might have to be adjusted for APA formatting. I think the main headings have to be centered: e/apa_headings_and_seriation.html 2) I love how you integrated the ELCC standards in the intended beneficiaries section. This made me think about whether I could do this with mine as well. 3) For the Intended Benefits section, I was wondering whether there were any other benefits of having proportional gender representation such as team diversity and how it contributes to better problem solving or whether there might be greater social benefits that are accured through the advancement of women. I remember coming across a plaque at a school for girls years ago that said something to the effect of if you educate a boy you educate a single person, if you educate a girl you educate a family. So something to the effect of the increased social benefit of the advancement of women given their conventional roles within the family structure as educators. 4) I think you did your Causal Model section similar to the way I did mind which focused on a plan to conduct the theory rather than the impact theory. I think Dr. Partlo referred to this as small t-theory rather than the large T-theory (Rossi et al., 2019. p. 139). 5) If you're looking for a big - T theory to apply, it might be interesting to consider Intersectionality by Kimberle Crenshaw. I make this suggestion because it's common that white women are the primary beneficiaries of these types of programs rather than Indigenous and Racialized women. 6) I really liked the way you integrated resource scarcity into the Challenges and/or Constraints section. 7) I think it might be worth considering dividing this section up along the headings of proximal and distal outcomes as you noted that these outcomes would be measured differently. If not in this section then perhaps the literary review when you look at the theory or perhaps another section (Rossi et al., 2019. p. 238). Rossi, P. H., Lipsey, M. W., & Henry, G. T. (2019). Evaluation: A systematic approach. SAGE.
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