BUS303 Ashford Wk 2 Employee Selection & Performance Management Discussion

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Message from the instructor, Week Two Discussion Forum #2 Added Guidance In this particular forum you are asked about the goals of employee selection. Many believe the purpose of employee selection is about hiring the best-qualified applicant. This is an oversimplification. Yousef-Morgan states “The purpose of the recruitment process is identifying and attracting qualified talent for organizational jobs in a timely and effective manner” (2015). It then follows that the selection process must be equally sophisticated. Furthermore, selection methods are as varied has jobs in organizations, and one selection may not deliver performance results in one type of job as it did for another. Remember, it is the goals of the organization that need to be achieved through applying human capital that’s important here. Make sure that before you respond you have read Chapters Four and Five and have reviewed my Weekly Guidance thoroughly. Dr. Mike Reilly, Professor Discussion 1 Performance Management Performance management is an important HRM function as it is the processes and actions taken to align employee performance with organizational objectives. After reading the article, “Ten Biggest Mistakes Bosses Make In Performance Reviews (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.,” discuss three mistakes you have experienced or witnessed in the workplace. What would be your recommendations to correct these mistakes? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. Initial post should be 150-250 words in length. Please cite at least one scholarly reference in addition to the course text to support your response. Discussion 2 Employee Selection Methods In 150–250 words, what are the goals of employee selection? Compare and contrast two selection methods and how these selection methods impact the achievement of organizational objectives? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. Please cite at least one scholarly reference in addition to the course text to support your response
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Explanation & Answer

please find the attached file. i look forward to working with you again. good bye

Running head: WEEK 2 DISCUSSION 1 AND 2




Discussion One

Performance management is a comprehensive human resource task that is aimed at aiding
an organization to attain a unique competitive advantage. It is the cornerstone of improving work
performance by motivating organizational employees to execute assigned professional duties and
responsibilities to the best of their level (Eric, 2012). Despite the fact of performance
management, there are notable mistakes that occur at work place which impair smooth running
of the internal activities.
Poor work preparations are the common work place mistakes which have compromised
efforts of some corporations to maximize profits. Occasionally, both employees and management
team fail to organize for meetings within the righ...

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