Short essay on the details of computerised accounting system

User Generated


Business Finance


This is the brief:

Give details of the features you would expect to find in a computerised accounting system and how these features give advantages and save time over doing tasks manually. You will need to do your own research for this. Your Sage books cover many features of a typical accounting system. You should write a minimum of 900 words and a maximum of 1100 words. You must include the word count at the end of your assignment. If you have a references section at the end of your work, this does not count towards the word count.

You will be marked on:

Content (80%):
• You must consider the limited word length available
• You may choose to go into few features in detail or more features with less detail. However, each feature must be explained. A simple list with no or little detail is not acceptable
• The grammar and spelling. If it does not make sense, your mark will be correspondingly considerably reduced
• References have been clearly identified

Structure and presentation (20%):
• Clear titles and headings
• Clear introduction saying what the assignment is about
• Main section divided logically into the different features identified with appropriate use of paragraphs to separate ideas. Lots of very short disjointed paragraphs indicate that thought has not been given adequately given to the choice of material and organisation of the assignment
• Appropriate choice of font size and line/paragraph spacing make the document easy to read
• Conclusion summarising main advantages
• A word count has been provided at the end of the assignment

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