Review this vignette about neurocognitive disorders and answer the following questions:
1. What neurocognitive disorder is most appropriate for this patient (delirium, mild neurocognitive disorder, major neurocognitive disorder)?
2. If the patient presents with either a mild or major neurocognitive disorder, what is it most likely due to?
3. Any other areas of concern?
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Psychopathology- Major Neurocognitive Disorder
Psychopathology- Major Neurocognitive Disorder
Most Appropriate Neurocognitive Disorder
Felix is 78-year-old male presenting symptoms of major neurocognitive disorder (MND).
According to DSM-5 MND is an old age symptom that often develops with substantial decline of
cognitive functioning unlike previous performance of cognitive levels in reasoning, speech,
memory, spatiotemporal perception, and intellectual functioning (Sousa, Teixeira & Paúl, 2020).
It is also connected to difficulties in different levels of functioning and changes in emotional
behavior. For an individual to be diagnosed with a major neurodevelopment disorder, he or she
must meet the DSM-5 criteria classified by symptoms such as significant cognitive decline
compared to previous performance level in learning, attentiveness, memory, perceptual-motor,
planning, and ability to understand social issues. Another symptom is, concerns from others that
the person’s cognitive functioning has significantly decreased. Besides cognitive dysfunctions
tend to interfere with a person’s daily activities.
Felix presents meet the criteria for MND since he presents several symptoms. One of the
major ...