Question Description
I'm working on a writing question and need support to help me learn.
Consider the notion of whether or not people are born good (and turn bad) or that they are born bad (and with time, this bad behavior emerges).
Should those criminals who have been deemed mentally ill be incarcerated for their offenses or be housed in a mental health facility? Explain.
Is it appropriate to incarcerate someone with a mental illness? Why or why not?
- What would your response be to the victim or victim's families who feel that justice has not been served by having a defendant housed in a mental health facility (instead of prison) with the ability to have privileges not available in prison and the possibility of being released once "cured" of their mental illness? Explain your position.

Explanation & Answer

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Mental Illness Repercussions
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Mental Illness Repercussions
There has been a controversial debate about punishment versus treatment for offenders
with psychiatric disorders. Mentally ill people are overrepresented in criminal justice systems
than mental health hospitals. According to Kim (2015), 64% of jail inmates have past or current
mental health problems. People with mental illnesses who have committed minor offenses are
often sent to prison rather than treatment facilities. However, these people should be placed in
mental health hospitals to improve their health and quality of life. Offenders with mental
disorders possess unique needs and circumstances that need appropriate care. Despite the
complexity, prisons and jails provide inadequate care to these individuals. S...