Former Vice President of the United States Worksheet

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Business Finance


1.Include one well-known person today (politician, celebrity, etc.) who appears to be a pre-conventional moral reasoner, and include how they've shown this? Give the same information for one person who appears to be a principled/moral reasoner.

Reflect on the choices made by Wells Fargo and include what an intensity analysis might have looked like for those choices, from the six intensity factors that you received.

2. How will you continue to increase your leadership activities to be a better participant or leader on a team? What has the course taught you that will help you?

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


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Question 1
Former Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, is a pre-conventional moral
reasoner. Politician believes in the rule of law. When his boss, former President Donald Trump,
was busy invoking resurrection, he quickly condemned the cat. He did not join his boss in
propagating lies about rigging being orchestrated in the 2020 election of the United States
(Leonhardt, 2020). Pence was keen on following the law and avoiding creating disunity among
the citizens that voted for the Republicans and the democrats. To show his commitment to the
rule of law and statesmanship, Pence attended the inauguration ceremony of the new
administration of President Joe Biden. His cats were significant in history and America. He
reasoned pre-conventionally and made the right decisions despite the pressure he faced to
support his b...

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