Belhaven University Biblical Diligence in Work Essay

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Belhaven University


  • Prompt: Luke 14:28-33 and Proverbs 21:5 suggest we be diligent when we start a project that we are able to complete it. Proverbs 19:20-21 implores us to listen and accept advice from others. Write a short, two paragraph response that shares your understanding of the admonishment from both passages, starting a project and accepting sound advice as you proceed forward in your doctoral studies.
  • Requirements: The two paragraphs should be double spaced. As your response will come from personal reflection on the verses, no references are necessary.

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BUS 702 Enhanced Writing for Scholarship Belhaven University Unit 4 Discussion of Final Project Paper 1 Unit Objective ◼ In preparation for the final project paper which starts in Unit 5, this unit PowerPoint presentation provides background on the project. 2 Final Project Paper ◼ The final project paper is an opportunity to practice reframing the thoughts of others and paraphrasing those thoughts in your own words. ◼ You will also practice citing and referencing sources you use in describing the research other scholars have done. Final Project Paper Requirements ◼ The paper will be on a topic related to research you conduct using the Belhaven University library. ❑ The topic can be any area you desire to research. ◼ You will need to find 5 articles that are related to the topic area you select. ◼ You will use the WWHO reframing outline method to develop the paraphrasing you will write up for each article in your paper (outline to be submitted in Unit 5). 4 Final Project Paper, cont. ◼ Follow the requirements for paper length and section guidance in Unit 7: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ◼ Introduction Sections that you will paraphrase in your own words for each article Conclusion References You will submit a draft of the paper in Unit 6. 5 Final Project Paper, cont. ◼ Formatting requirements for the paper: ❑ ❑ Must be in APA format, following APA 7th edition guidelines for citing and referencing sources used Double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font ◼ ◼ This is the standard for APA style Get started now with your research and topic selection. See Unit 7 in the syllabus for the full discussion of paper expectations. What’s Next? ◼ Complete reading assignments. ◼ Complete writing assignments. ◼ Answer discussion questions. ◼ Begin researching the topic and articles you will use in your final project paper. 7
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Biblical Diligence in Work


Biblical Diligence in Work
As per Luke 14:28-33, God comes first in our lives, ahead of everything and
everybody else. The cost of being a disciple of Christ is leaving all to follow Christ. In t...

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