requesting 3 page essay on human-computer interaction

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Computer Science


You are the lead human–computer interaction (HCI) engineer on a major design project for an organization of your choice. Employees or customers will use this new system and user interface (UI) design to perform data entry for the organization. The UI will need to provide the required input and output to characterize the type of data collected by the organization.

Choose an organization, such as a business, nonprofit group, government, or another organization. Provide a description of your chosen organization, including the following:

  • Name of the organization
  • Business type
  • Size of the organization
  • Planned users for the interface
  • Type of data that must be captured
  • The use of the data

Part of your job is to elicit and define the UI requirements for this new design.

Write a neatly-formatted report that includes the following:

  • Title page
  • Report of 3 pages consisting of the following:
    • Introduction to the contents of the report
    • Description of the organization, as detailed above
    • Identification of the following elements that must be included in this UI design for the organization:
      • Fields you expect to see in this UI screen design (e.g., menus, data entry screens, boxes, help, fields, drop-down menus)
      • List of requirements that will ensure that this interface design can easily capture data input in multiple languages
      • Explanation of interface alternatives that will be needed for different language orientations (e.g., different characters for right and left)
    • Effective conclusion
  • References must be properly cited in APA style

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Explanation & Answer



Human-Computer Interactions
Institution Affiliation




Organizations that have decided to incorporate the human-computer interactions in their
systems are the type of organizations that use computers in the sense that they interact directly
with the people attached to the computers. The main professional interests that this organization
involves in include virtual reality, video games, user experience, texting, and programming and
user research just to name a few (Dix 2008). The human-computer interaction was not popular
up until the years of 1970 where people were able to use computers on a personal level. The only
people who used to access computers before then were the information technology professionals
and dedicated hobbyists.
Description of the Organization.
A multinational organization is an organization that is global in the sense that it offers its
services or goods across many countries. That is to say that it is an international organization.
ABH Pharma Inc. Being one of the multinational organization, its products are sold in more than
40 states across the world. The organization has been meeting to expand for a while in the
African countries which have proved to be a challenge in the most cas...

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