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E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics Outline
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E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics Outline
❖ Introduction
Problem Statement
Literature Review
❖ Overview of E-Voting
Direct-recording electronic (DRE) Voting System
Public Network DRE Voting System
Electronic Voting
❖ Research Methodology
Top-down Design Methodology
Object Oriented Design (OOD) Methodology
❖ Data Collection Designs
❖ Personal Interviews
❖ Onsite Observation
❖ The Internet
❖ Key Findings
❖ Conclusion
❖ References
E-Voting System with the help of Finger Print Biometrics
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E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics
Research Proposal
Notably, E-voting is also known as online voting, which entails electronically casting and
counting the votes. Online voting, in this case, is a result of technological advancement whereby
computers alone and several machines can enhance voting in easily in any given country. The
latest invention, the internet, has also been influential in the transfer of counted votes making t
easier for e-voting to be the possibility for future voting systems in any state, country, and
different social organization. The need for e-voting in most countries is that voting has been
manual over the years, which has led to inaccuracy during elections. Thus, this paper will
provide a comprehensive analysis of E-voting with the help of fingerprint biometrics from a
broader perspective.
Research Questions
What are problems arising from manual voting?
Does e-voting have any impact in society now or in the future?
How is e-voting associated to rigging of elections?
Is e-voting susceptible to cybercrime activities such as hacking?
How is registration of voters done using the e-voting system?
Literature Scan
Online voting can be helpful to the elderly, disabled people, and the sick who are unable
to go to a polling station and vote for their favorite candidate. The e-voting system also prevents
candidates from generating and seizing other people’s voter cards or fake voter cards to vote for
them. However, in most cases, the big question is whether e-voting is still working a progress in
most countries in the contemporary world.
Analysis Plan
Notably, this paper will employ and introduce research methodologies during the analysis
plan and discussion. The methodologies entail top-down design methodology and objective
oriented. The research paper will also employ data collection models that will involve personal
interviews, onsite observations, and the internet.
E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics
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E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics
Most people across the globe refer to e-voting as online voting. The e-voting system has
been tested in most countries in one way or another, especially during the transfer and counting
of votes. In this regard, e-voting entails electronically casting a vote, transfer of votes, and
counting votes. Notably, technology advancements have enabled e-voting, and internet invention
has facilitated online voting from a broader perspective. Today, people use computers and
biometric machines to register voters, cast votes, transfer votes, and count votes during elections.
Despite e-voting being working progress in most countries globally, countries such as the U.S
have found it efficient and effective. It is efficient and effective for the elderly, the sick, and the
disabled. In essence, it is effective for the people mentioned above because most of them might
not have the ability to go to polling stations to vote where there are long queues. On the other
hand, the adoption of e-voting is a result of manual voting that constantly leads to inaccuracy and
ineffectiveness during elections. Thus, this paper provides an in-depth research paper analysis
concerning the E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics.
Voting is electing, choosing, or selecting leaders, and it applies not only to countries or
states but also to organizations and institutions. Implementing the e-voting system prevents
candidates from generating and seizing other people’s voter cards or fake voter cards to vote for
them. Therefore, election conduct in a democratic community is crucial because it is a political
right or participation of all people and not just a change in leadership in the government (AbuShanab et al., 2010). In this regard, democracy can only be of sound mind if the election is
conducted in a fair manner, free from fraud (Essex & Goodman, 2020). As depicted in the
context above, manual systems during elections have been ineffective and inaccurate, hence the
adoption of online voting. E-voting, in this case, has been realized by most countries as effective,
efficient, accurate, and faster from a broader perspective (Wolf et al., 2011).
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