Finger Print Biometrics Voting Question

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For this assignment, the topic is free as long as it is related to the voting system in the economic research field. Please carefully follow the attached instructions, every part of the instructions should be mentioned in this paper. 

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Econ 3490 Spring 2022 ECON 3490: Public Choice Economics Research Paper (10-15 pages) Due on May 2 (at final exam time) A. Overview You will write a research paper on a public choice economics-related topic of your choosing. While you do not need to do original empirical or theoretical research, you should have a unique research question or thesis statement. The type of analysis you do will depend upon the question you select. Possibilities include historical analysis, critical analysis of existing economic studies, descriptive data analysis or regression analysis. B. Requirements As a part of the final grade for the project, there will be two components that will be completed. All components will be handed in electronically. You may choose to write the paper individually or work with a single partner and co-author the paper. Note: co-authors share the work and the grade. 1. Research Paper Proposal Due Wednesday, April 13th The research paper proposal should be a one-page summary that describes a topic of interest to you. Also include a separate page listing any references you used in developing the proposal. Your proposal should include the following headings and answer the questions contained under each heading in one paragraph: I. Research Question: What is the thesis statement or research question that you are trying to answer? Why is it important? Are there any relevant implications for policy or social choice issues that governments face? II. Literature Scan: Based on a scan of the textbook and other sources, what do we already know about this topic? What questions remain unanswered? III. Analysis Plan: What type of analysis methodology do you plan to use (e.g. historical analysis, critical analysis of existing economic studies, descriptive data analysis and regression analysis)? What types of resources do you think you will need to do this type of analysis? You can analyze a proposed model or analyze existing models as they apply to your question. Econ 3490 Spring 2022 2. Research Paper Due Monday, 1 pm, May 2nd The research paper will build on the elements of your outline and will consist of a 10-15 page paper that provides an analytical discussion of your research question/thesis statement, the material from your five high-quality sources, your analysis methodology, and your findings or conclusions. Your paper should include the following headings and provides a detailed discussion under each heading. Also include separate pages listing any references you used in developing the proposal and/or any tables or figures that would be helpful for the reader. I. Introduction One to two pages that includes a detailed thesis statement or research question. Provide a roadmap of what will be covered in the remaining sections of the report. II. Literature Review Three to six pages that describe any relevant literature or case studies that you surveyed on the topic or methods from your five high-quality sources. This should be an analytical discussion of what you learned from the literature rather than a reporting out from each source. III. Research Methodology and Resources Used One to two pages that describe any specific methodology you used to conduct your analysis of the research questions/thesis that expands on the material in the third section of your outline. Describe any data you collected (quantitative or qualitative) and how you collected it (e.g. surveys, interviews, public records, etc.). Essentially answer the questions: what did you do and how did you do it? IV. Key Findings Two to four pages that describe the following: • What did your research tell you? What did you learn? How much of what was learned was new to the field of public choice economics? Did your research help further our understanding of potential policy solutions? • Include limitations (if any). For example, was anything left unresolved? If so, why? How might you overcome these limitations in the future? What data or information would you need to further your research? This is the most analytical part of the report! V. Conclusion One to two pages that restates the research thesis/question, provides a few sentences on the research conducted and your main findings, and spends several paragraphs on what conclusions you can draw as well as the implications for policy. VI. References VII. Tables and Figures (if appropriate) Econ 3490 Spring 2022 Expectations 1. First and foremost, I expect that you will turn in a paper that is properly formatted according to all of the requirements listed above. I also expect that your paper will be clearly written and essentially free of serious grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and typos. If I receive a paper that is not up to this standard, I reserve the right to hand it back to you and deduct late points (see syllabus) until it is handed back in acceptable form. 2. The paper should be double-spaced with at least 1 inch margins on all sides and 12 point font. The page requirements (10-15) are just for text. Your title page and reference page will be additional pages. So will any figures or tables. 3. Each paper must have citations (parenthetical or footnotes) and a reference page that is formatted in a recognized academic style. Please note that articles found online should be cited by author’s name and date/page and should have a reference listing with date, author, title of article, page numbers, title of publication/journal/newspaper or the name of the research organization posting the report. Simply listing a URL is never, ever a substitute for this information! 4. Your best search engine for academic journal articles is EconLit. Go to the NU library website and look under “Databases.” The Journal of Economic Perspectives is one great source for interesting articles that are accessible to students with training in economics at the introductory or intermediate level. You can also use Google Scholar to find articles. 5. I expect you to honor all NU policies and procedures regarding academic honesty. If I find that you have plagiarized any part of your paper, you will automatically receive a zero on that assignment and the case will be referred to the Economics Department Chair and the CSSH Dean's office for further action. This includes any cases where material has been used without correct quotation marks and/or citation. Please avoid even the possibility of this by: a. writing entirely in your own words; b. citing other authors’ ideas, arguments and results appropriately; c. using direct quotations only when absolutely necessary and, in those cases, using quotation marks along with a citation; d. never cutting & pasting other authors’ graphs or figures (without citation/source notes), and; e. including source notes below your own figure or graph if you have used someone else’s data to construct it. Econ 3490 Spring 2022 RESEARCH PAPER GRADING RUBRIC REQUIREMENT Submit a research proposal on April 13th POINTS POSSIBLE 20 Submit the final paper on May 2nd that meets the following criteria: You form a strong thesis statement in the first paragraph and provide evidence to back it up throughout the rest of the paper. You make use of either public choice economics theory or empirical/data research in the paper. You can explain the theory in a non-technical way (no graphs, no jargon). If you refer to data, you explain it clearly and use tables/graphs (and citations to sources) appropriately. You cite 5 high-quality references (other than your textbook or an assigned reading on the syllabus) to support your argument. These references should be books or academic journal articles. From these references, you pull specific examples and/or statistical evidence to support your argument. You do not have any problems with writing fundamentals (spelling, punctuation, grammar, citation & reference formats). Your paper is well organized and clearly written. TOTAL 20 20 20 20 100 POINTS EARNED Econ 3490 Spring 2022 Possible Topics Some possible topics: • Comparing two countries' voting systems and analyzing the properties. Is one system preferable to another? • Proposing a model for selecting candidates that is different than existing models • Arguing for changes in the electoral college • Considering apportionment issues. This can include concepts we talked about such as using different apportionment methods or changing the numbers of representatives but also issues like gerrymandering. • Considering whether it makes sense to have multiple legislative chambers • Considering how the mayor should be elected. • Is a mayor selected by voters preferable to a city manager selected by a city council? • Term limits for elected officials • Factors that effect voter turnout. You could look at voter turnout in general or what affects turnout for a specific demographic. Some factors to consider: the benefits and costs of voting as well as the identity of the candidates themselves. A paper need not explain everything about voter turnout but you can just research some aspects of it. • Determination of a government budget. Consider ideas such as the median voter theorem as well as game theory and logrolling. • How well informed are voters? What affects how voters get information? You could research the impact of social media on phenonomena like herding. • What causes countries to cooperate or not cooperate? You could consider the consumption of public resources that are nonexcludable but rival (like minerals or life in the oceans.) You could also analyze how countries cooperate or not on environmental issues. Game theory could also be relevant here. • Analyze which voters in which states have the most power. • Do voters ever vote strategically? This might mean not voting for your first choice or ranking your lower choices higher to ensure a certain outcome. (Monotonicity might be violated.) • Does campaign finance of political ads affect voter turnout? • What explains the trend towards authoritarianism versus democracy? Does this relate to any properties we discussed in class or not? Lots of topics are possible. These are just some ideas. Feel free to come up with your own too!
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E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics Outline
Student’s name
Institutional affiliation
Course number and name
Instructor’s name
Due date

E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics Outline
❖ Introduction
Problem Statement
Literature Review
❖ Overview of E-Voting
Direct-recording electronic (DRE) Voting System
Public Network DRE Voting System
Electronic Voting
❖ Research Methodology
Top-down Design Methodology
Object Oriented Design (OOD) Methodology
❖ Data Collection Designs
❖ Personal Interviews
❖ Onsite Observation
❖ The Internet
❖ Key Findings
❖ Conclusion
❖ References





E-Voting System with the help of Finger Print Biometrics
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Due Date

E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics
Research Proposal
Notably, E-voting is also known as online voting, which entails electronically casting and
counting the votes. Online voting, in this case, is a result of technological advancement whereby
computers alone and several machines can enhance voting in easily in any given country. The
latest invention, the internet, has also been influential in the transfer of counted votes making t
easier for e-voting to be the possibility for future voting systems in any state, country, and
different social organization. The need for e-voting in most countries is that voting has been
manual over the years, which has led to inaccuracy during elections. Thus, this paper will
provide a comprehensive analysis of E-voting with the help of fingerprint biometrics from a
broader perspective.
Research Questions

What are problems arising from manual voting?

Does e-voting have any impact in society now or in the future?

How is e-voting associated to rigging of elections?

Is e-voting susceptible to cybercrime activities such as hacking?

How is registration of voters done using the e-voting system?
Literature Scan

Online voting can be helpful to the elderly, disabled people, and the sick who are unable
to go to a polling station and vote for their favorite candidate. The e-voting system also prevents
candidates from generating and seizing other people’s voter cards or fake voter cards to vote for

them. However, in most cases, the big question is whether e-voting is still working a progress in
most countries in the contemporary world.
Analysis Plan
Notably, this paper will employ and introduce research methodologies during the analysis
plan and discussion. The methodologies entail top-down design methodology and objective
oriented. The research paper will also employ data collection models that will involve personal
interviews, onsite observations, and the internet.






E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics
Student’s name
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Course number and name
Instructor’s name
Due date

E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics
Most people across the globe refer to e-voting as online voting. The e-voting system has
been tested in most countries in one way or another, especially during the transfer and counting
of votes. In this regard, e-voting entails electronically casting a vote, transfer of votes, and
counting votes. Notably, technology advancements have enabled e-voting, and internet invention
has facilitated online voting from a broader perspective. Today, people use computers and
biometric machines to register voters, cast votes, transfer votes, and count votes during elections.
Despite e-voting being working progress in most countries globally, countries such as the U.S
have found it efficient and effective. It is efficient and effective for the elderly, the sick, and the
disabled. In essence, it is effective for the people mentioned above because most of them might
not have the ability to go to polling stations to vote where there are long queues. On the other
hand, the adoption of e-voting is a result of manual voting that constantly leads to inaccuracy and
ineffectiveness during elections. Thus, this paper provides an in-depth research paper analysis
concerning the E-Voting Systems with the help of Finger Print Biometrics.
Voting is electing, choosing, or selecting leaders, and it applies not only to countries or
states but also to organizations and institutions. Implementing the e-voting system prevents
candidates from generating and seizing other people’s voter cards or fake voter cards to vote for
them. Therefore, election conduct in a democratic community is crucial because it is a political
right or participation of all people and not just a change in leadership in the government (AbuShanab et al., 2010). In this regard, democracy can only be of sound mind if the election is
conducted in a fair manner, free from fraud (Essex & Goodman, 2020). As depicted in the

context above, manual systems during elections have been ineffective and inaccurate, hence the
adoption of online voting. E-voting, in this case, has been realized by most countries as effective,
efficient, accurate, and faster from a broader perspective (Wolf et al., 2011).
The obje...

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