Miami Dade College Historical Event Essay

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Miami Dade College

Question Description

I'm working on a english report and need support to help me learn.

Write a cause and effect essay discussing a historical event. Be sure to focus on either the cause or the effect of the event. Also, try to focus your paper on a specific event. For example, instead of writing about the Second World War, you should focus on a moment in that war, such as the attack on Pearl Harbor. Remember to be specific and detailed in your writing. Some things you might want to think about:

What was the causal chain that led to the event?

What were the ramifications of the event? How is the world different because of it? 

Explanation & Answer:
500 words
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Explanation & Answer

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1. The causal chain that led to the 9/11 attacks

On September 11, 2001, nineteen militants affiliated with the Islamic
extremist group al Qaeda hijacked four planes and launched suicide terrorist
attacks against US targets.

They allegedly sought retaliation for the United States' continued support for
Israel, sanctions against Iraq, active participation in the "Persian Gulf War,"
and persistent military intervention in the Middle East

Some of the terrorists had been in the United States for more than a year and
had received flight training through the American commercial flight school

The hostage-takers efficaciously crashed the first two airliners into the “World
Trade Center's North and South Towers in New York City” and the third
airliner into the “Pentagon's west side in Arlington, Virginia” The fourth
airliner was allegedly supposed to hit a facility belonging to a major federal
government in Washington, D.C. Still, it crashed outside Shanksville,
Pennsylvania, after a passenger protest thwarted the threat.

2. The ramific...

Genpl_ZpTenql (7468)

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