Health care finance discussion questions, accounting homework help

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Business Finance

healthcare finance


There are 7 discussion questions for my healthcare finance class. The 7 questions can be answered in 60 words or more. The questions pertains to financial management of healthcare organizations, fundamental tools, concepts and applications.

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Financial Management of Health Care Organizations: An Introduction to Fundamental Tools, Concepts, and Applications Answer the following discussion questions in 60 words or more 1.How can a required rate of return that is too high or too low affect the decision making process in NPV or IRR valuations? 2.Describe capital investment analysis. 3.What is an annuity? Describe 4. Why would a health care organization use a Present Value calculation rather than a Future Value calculation? Provide an example of when a Future Value calculation might be necessary. 6. How many years are there in a typical perpetuity? 7.What is the difference between simple interest and compound interest?
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Explanation & Answer


Financial Management of Health Care Organizations: An Introduction to Fundamental Tools,
Concepts, and Applications
Answer the following discussion questions in 60 words or more

1.How can a required rate of return that is too high or too low affect the decision making process
in NPV or IRR valuations?
Net Preset Value
IRR as well as NPV are two ways for coming up with capital-budgeting decisions or selecting
between investments and projects when the goal is to heighten the value of the business as well
as optimize the wealth of a shareholder. The IRR law requires that investm...

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