Tallahassee Community College Analysis of Current Events Sociology Paper

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Tallahassee Community College


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Formal Paper 2: Analysis of Current Events-Waller-SYG1000-Spr.’22 This paper must be at least 600 words (typed, double spaced, 1” margins, 10-12 font), and provide citations to sources w/links to article (see #5 at bottom of page). The paper is due on CANVAS by class time, Thur., Apr. 7. It is worth 40 points. Find one or two articles from a text-based news source, and explain or interpret what’s in the article(s) using two or more terms or concepts found in our textbook and lectures (if you choose to use two articles, they should be on the same topic so that your essay has ONE clear, coherent theme). As far as choosing your article(s), you must use credible news sources (as discussed in class: https://adfontesmedia.com/interactivemedia-bias-chart). Your paper is going to be better if you use a NEWS (rather than an “OP-ED” or opinion or editorial) article. The text-based news article(s) you use should have some depth (longer length is one sign of that). Finally, it must be current (published during the last year). To find an article of interest to you (and related to any course topic we’ve covered) think of a particular topic you want to know more about and then search the archives of the news website (know that some news websites limit you to 5 free articles a month). But TCC databases allow you to go beyond this limit. See database, “US NewsStream–Major Newspapers” at: https://tcc.fl.libguides.com/c.php?g=687569&p=4859343 What’s important here is that you are able to link a news report of a current event or trend to the sociological ideas in our course, thereby bringing more meaning to both. This is in part an exercise in close reading and analysis of a news source. Analyze what’s in the news article -- don’t just introduce it and then use it as a springboard to discuss your personal opinions. Guidelines on what to include in your paper: 1) A brief introduction, which is intended to convey the subject of your paper and news article, how it is of interest to you or should be important to everyone, and its relevance to sociology (in other words, identify the sociological concept you’ll relate to the news). 2) A description of the current event or news which your article reports, or what is actually occurring out there in the world according to this journalistic account; 3) A sociological analysis of the current event, (ideally, this should be the longest part of your paper) which interprets or explains the current event or issue in reference to the ideas and themes found in your textbook and our class meetings. In other words, make explicit the connection between the particular current event and the more general ways sociologists explain similar events our world. Don’t just use the article to express an opinion, but spend time discussing and closely ANALYZING various statements or points of the article using your sociological ideas. Ask yourself: What does this current event mean in the bigger scheme of society? How can sociological concepts help explain it?; Finally, 4) provide a conclusion, which reflects upon what you’ve learned, or how sociology illuminates your current event; 5) provide citations and a reference page in proper APA format (also provide links to any news articles used). For APA citation rules go to: https://www.tcc.fl.edu/Current/Academics/Library/Pages/Citation-Help.aspx PAPER #2 RUBRIC (each of the paper elements, and how well you realize them, will determine your paper grade) ELEMENTS EXCELLENT GOOD FAIR POOR FAILING Introduction of The introduction has all Essay the following elements: 1) it draws the reader in with interest, 2) clearly states the main topic, and 3) previews the paper’s sociological point. There is no definable introduction of the main topic or structure of the paper. It just begins discussing the topic in full leaving the reader to figure out what’s going on. Focus on and There is a clear, wellPresentation of focused, well-developed Topic topic or theme. The main ideas are well organized and well supported by lots of relevant and insightful information. The main topic or ideas are not clear and consistent. There are 2 or more different and unrelated topics. Little organization, or paper is a seemingly random collection of information. Support for Topic Relevant, valuable details of reported aspects of the current event give the IMPORTANT reader important and ELEMENT! complete supporting information that goes beyond the obvious. Information in the news article is mostly ignored. Supporting details and information from the news article aren’t discussed, are not related to the topic, or are misunderstood. Sociological Analysis (Concept use) MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT! At least 3 sociological concepts are explained well, fit the article well, are used to analyze the topic and add perceptive sociological insights to the topic. No concept is understood or discussed adequately, fits the article’s topic well, or is used to analyze or carefully examine the current event described in the article. Grammar & Spelling (Writing Norms) Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling which might distract the reader from the content. Very well written in clear sentences and precise language. Writer makes errors in grammar and spelling that seriously undermine the ability of the reader to understand what is being said. Wrong format used to falsely lengthen paper. Author’s Voice The author has and Effort enthusiastically taken up the topic, makes an ambitious effort to understand social life (goes well beyond 2 pages), and "owns" the study throughout. Conclusion to The conclusion ties the Essay parts together, leaving the reader with a clear sense of what the writer is "getting at." The paper adds up to something sociologically important. . Giving missing required elements, the writer appears to not be invested in the topic or assignment, and the paper falls short of the minimum length of 2 pages. There is no real conclusion, the paper just hurriedly ends by restating the topic (or introducing a new one) or by saying something cliché.
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