Impact of COVID19 on Tribal Communities and Casino Operations Discussion

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Based on the film and other readings, what impacts do you imagine the pandemic has had on tribal communities? What have you read or heard? Do you know people or have relatives who live near or in tribal communities?

Specific guidelines for the Discussion:

Your initial response should be 200-300 words in length, reflecting on social, economic and health impacts of COVID-19 on tribal communities

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Christopher Guzman Tuesday I can imagine from what we have learned in this course that the effects of covid within tribal gambling have been devistating. Casinos are tightly packed and would have very few ways of social distancing. The last time I went to a casino was in the middle of covid. They had no distancing rules and if you could show proof of vaccination you did not have to wear a mask. I have one relative that worked in a casino. He said that the goal was to bypass regulations as fast as possible so that bussiness can funnel in again. There was also a major amount of job losses in certain casinos. Online gambling became a major thing during the pandemic. About 15 percent of gamblers migrated to online gambling. Amongst gamblers, use of alchohol, nicotine, and marijuana increased as well. This makes sense from what we have learned as addiction is more prone to gamblers as it is a result of addiction syndrome. Over all gambling has decreased during the pandemic, but other means of addiction have been abused more. Ther is a small subgroup of people that were more prone to addiction during the pandemic, and these people were typically introduced to gambling at a young age. ReplyDominic Espino Tuesday After reading the articles and watching the videos, I would have to think that the pandemic has made it difficult for the tribal communities. I think that the casinos, since it is such a big source of income for these communities, were affected the most. There have been many restrictions and mandates regarding what casinos can do to operate. Also, casinos now are only at a fraction of the capacity that they are used to, prior to all the shut downs. It could have also potentially been harmful because of the lack of access to health care that some of the communities have to deal with. I have not read a whole lot about the issues of the tribal community problems, nor have I really heard anything at all. I do not, and I do not know anyone personally who lives in or near a tribal community. I do know that the pandemic has harshly affected many other communities, organizations, and much more. I would imagine that the tribal communities would have similar problems. I think getting resources and any necessary funding would be challenging as well. I also think that it is unfortunate that not a lot of attention has been brought to the communities and people surrounding them. Reply
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Impacts of COVID-19 on the Tribal Communities

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Impacts of COVID-19 on the Tribal Communities.
Based on several readings and videos, the Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affected the
tribal communities and the casinos. During the pre-Covid-19 period, casinos and other leisure
places were filled to capacity therefore high profits. However, the pandemic disrupted the
behavior based on the COVID-19 measures such as social distancing. The indigenous
communities were not spared as well because traditional lifestyles such as celebration of
traditional like harvesting, and rites of passage were disrupted by the deadly pandemic (United
Nations, 2021). These indigenous festivals involves a large group of people from different parts
of the worth interacting together to celebrate them. The mortality rate has increased among the
indigenous groups of poor...

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