Atomic Structure of Interphase Boundary Enclosing Bcc
Precipitate Formed in Fcc Matrix in a Ni-Cr Alloy
The atomic structure of the interphase boundaries enclosing body-centered cubic (bcc) lath-shape
precipitates formed in the face-centered cubic (fcc) matrix of a Ni-45 mass pct Cr alloy was examined
by means of conventional and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Growth
ledges were observed on the broad faces of the laths. The growth ledge terrace (with the macroscopic
habit plane -(112)fcJ/(23T)bcc ) contains a regular array of structural ledges whose terrace is formed
by the (111)fcJ/(110)bcc planes. A structural ledge has an effective Burgers vector corresponding to
an a/12[121]rco transformation dislocation in the fcc --~ bcc transformation. The side facet (and
presumably the growth ledge riser) of the bcc lath contains two distinct types of lattice dislocation
accommodating transformation strains. One type is glissile dislocations, which exist on every six
layers of parallel close-packed planes. These perfectly accommodate the shear strain caused by the
stacking sequence change from fcc to bcc. The second set is sessile misfit dislocations ( - 1 0 nm
apart) whose Burgers vector is a/3[111]ec~ = a/2[110]b~. These perfectly accommodate the dilatational
strain along the direction normal to the parallel close-packed planes. These results demonstrate that
the interphase boundaries enclosing the laths are all semicoherent. Nucleation and migration of
growth ledges, which are controlled by diffusion of substitutional solute atoms, result in the virtual
displacement of transformation dislocations accompanying the climb of sessile misfit dislocations
and the glide of glissile dislocations simultaneously. Such a growth mode assures the retention of
atomic site correspondence across the growing interface.
A precipitate formed within a matrix grain has a specific
orientation relationship with respect to the matrix. Such a
precipitate grows by means of the ledge mechanism[~,21
when the crystal structures of the matrix and the precipitate
phases are significantly different [e.g., face-centered cubic
(fcc)/body-centered cubic (bcc), bcc/hexagonal closepacked (hcp) and fcc/hcp]. It has been repeatedly shown
that the ledge mechanism is operative during the migration
of matrix/product interphase boundaries in various alloy
In ledgewise growth processes, it is assumed that the area
of the interface (the risers or kinks on the risers of growth
ledges) at which atomic attachment occurs from the matrix
to the product has an incoherent (or disordered) structure
across which there is a lack of continuity of atomic rows
and planes.t1.5] Even now,t6] it is considered that there is
local atomic disorder at such a growing interface. The
change of crystal structure takes place by the poorly coordinated random jumps of the atoms across such interfaces,
which are biased by gradients of chemical potential. However, diffusional phase transformations that accompany the
stacking sequence change, often exhibit surface relief ef-
T. FURUHARA, Research Associate, and T. MAKI, Professor, are with
the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University,
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-01, Japan. K. WADA, formerly Graduate Student,
Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-01, Japan, is presently with Fukuyama
Works, NKK Corporation, Fukuyama, 721, Japan.
This article is based upon a presentation made at the Pacific Rim
Conference on the "Roles of Shear and Diffusion in the Formation of
Plate-Shaped Transformation Products," held December 18~2, 1992, in
Kona, Hawaii, under the auspices of ASM INTERNATIONAL's Phase
Transformations Committee.
fects[7,81very similar to those in the diffusionless, displacive
transformations (martensitic transformation). To produce a
surface relief, it is considered that atomic attachment across
the growing interface is highly coordinated. Christian[5] proposed that surface relief effects are essential to the product
formed by the migration of coherent interfaces because lattice (or atomic) correspondence is maintained between the
matrix and the product phases. It is difficult to imagine the
presence of such a correspondence at an incoherent (or disordered) portion of the growing interface, at which atomic
attachment should occur in an appreciably random manner.
Recently, Howe [9] proposed that continuity of atomic planes
across the growing interface leads to an atomic site correspondence in diffusional transformations, resulting in a surface relief effect. To examine the generality of atomic site
correspondence, it is important to clarify atomic structures
on growing interfaces of the products in various types of
diffusional phase transformations.
Transformation strain generates under an atomic site correspondence. Such a strain is accommodated by loss of coherency, resulting in the introduction of dislocations on
interfaces. Aaronson et aL E6] published an overview of nucleation and growth mechanisms of the product phase
formed by diffusional and shear processes. It was proposed
that the product formed by diffusional processes contains
sessile interfacial dislocations whose Burgers vectors lie in
the planes of growing interface. On the other hand, in the
cases of shear processes, glissile dislocations whose Burgers vectors are not parallel to the growing interface in the
case of edge (or mixed) dislocations or whose Burgers vectors lie in the interface in the case of screw dislocations
should be present on the growing interface of the product
phase. This proposal was based upon many studies, utilizing both conventional and high-resolution transmission
VOLUME 26A, AUGUST 1995--1971
diffusional transformations that are accompanied by a
stacking sequence change, however, the accommodation
mechanism is not yet clarified. In fcc/bcc systems, Luo and
Weatherlytlu studied the interfacial structure of intragranular bcc laths formed in the fcc matrix of a Ni-Cr alloy.
They showed that growth ledges exist on the broad face of
the laths, and that the side facet plane contains a regular
array of misfit dislocations accommodating the dilatational
strain normal to the parallel close-packed planes. However,
the atomic structure of the interphase boundaries was not
clarified in detail.
The present study aims to examine by means of HRTEM
the atomic structure of the interphase boundaries enclosing
bcc laths precipitated from the fcc matrix of a Ni-Cr alloy
and to deduce the growth mechanism of these precipitates.
Fig. 1--Bright-field micrograph of a bcc lath formed in the specimen aged
at 1273 K for 18 ks: (a) bright-feld micrograph, (b) corresponding
selected area diffraction (SAD) patterns (the incident beam direction is
[11%//[111]h), and its key diagram.
The alloy used is Ni-44.8 mass pct Cr with 40 ppm of
carbon, 163 ppm of oxygen, 64 ppm of nitrogen, and 6
ppm of hydrogen contained as impurities. A button of this
alloy was produced by plasma arc melting. The button was
homogenized at 1473 K for 86.4 ks after being sealed in
vacuum. After hot-rolling to a plate 4-mm thick, specimens
were cut and solution-treated at 1473 K for 3.6 ks, followed
by water-quenching to obtain the fcc single-phase structure.
Subsequently, the specimens were aged at 1273 K for 18
ks and water-quenched. Transmission electron microscopy
samples were prepared by ion milling. Conventional TEM
(CTEM) and HRTEM observations were performed using
a JEM200CX operated at 200 kV and a JEM4000EX operated at 400 kV, respectively.
A. Atomic Structure on the Broad Face o f Precipitate
Fig. 2--Dark-field micrograph of the broad face of a bcc lath. Growth
ledges are pointed to by the arrows.
electron microscopy (HRTEM), on the interfacial structure
produced during various phase transformations. However,
if an atomic site correspondence is maintained during
growth in a diffusional transformation, a large transformation strain will be built up when the product grows in the
dimension normal to the plane whose stacking sequence
changes during transformation. For the product to grow further, such transformation strains should be accommodated
not only in a dilatational component but also in a shear
component during growth.
To date, the atomic structure of the growing interface
has been studied only in fcc/hcp and derivative transformations. In fcc/hcp transformation, the passage of a/
6fcc Shockley partials on every other (O001)hcp//
(lll)fcc plane accomplishes the lattice change. Howe et
aL E~~ showed by HRTEM that self-accommodation by the
operation of three different partials on (111)fcc planes results
in zero net shear strain. It is consistent with the deduction
made by ChristianTM for fcc/hcp transformation. In other
1972 VOLUME26A, AUGUST 1995
Figure 1 is a transmission electron micrograph of a bcc
lath formed in the fcc matrix. The diffraction pattern and
its key diagram (Figure 1(b)) show that the bcc lath has the
Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation relationship,El21 (111)j.//
(110)b, [1]-0]//[]-1 l]b, and [112]//[1T2]b, with respect to its
fcc matrix*.
*Hereafter, planes and directions in fcc and bcc lattices are described
with the subscripts of " f " and " b , " respectively.
In Figure 1, the broad face of the bcc lath is parallel to the
incident beam. Thus, the habit plane of the broad faces of
laths was found to be approximately (112)//(231)b by trace
analysis. The dark-field micrograph of Figure 2 shows that
growth ledges (indicated by the arrows) are present on the
broad face of the lath. The height of these ledges is determined to be approximately 1 to 2 nm from the edge-on
image. These results are consistent with the CTEM study
by Luo and Weatherly.EH~
Figure 3 is a HRTEM image showing an edgewise view
of the atomic structure of the broad face of a bcc lath. The
incident beam direction is [1]0]//[]-1 lib. The macroscopic
(112)s habit plane is composed of regularly arranged fine
steps with ( l l l ) / / ( l l 0 ) b terraces. Each step is one atom
plane high (-0.25 nm), and the average spacing between
Fig. 3--HRTEM image of the broad face of a bcc lath. The position of
the fcc/bcc interface is indicated by the white line. The incident beam
direction is [1 lO]i//[111]~.
(a) ( 1 1 1 )
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