SOC 101 Chesapeake College Cause of Juvenile Delinquency Proposal

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SOC 101

Chesapeake College



Now that you have learned about sociological theory and research practices, it's your turn to think like a sociologist. Pretend you are a social researcher and that you want to answer a question about social life using sociological tools. Complete the following exercise in the form of a short essay:

Ask a question about society that you think a sociologist could research. Explain why you think a sociologist might find it important to answer this question.

Describe what theory or theories you think would be most applicable to thinking about this question. What benefits or drawbacks do the major theories offer in terms of focusing your thoughts on the question?

  • Describe what research method(s) you think would be most useful for answering the question. Why might a sociologist choose one method over another to complete this research

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Study Proposal discussion

(Student name)
(Submission date)


Part a
What is the main cause of juvenile delinquency?
In recent years, we have been able to readily distinguish between crimes perpetrated by
kids and high-profile criminal cases committed by adults. In order to address this issue, I believe
it is essential to consider what factors might contribute to juvenile delinquency, how it can be
avoided, what is required for the rehabilitation of juveniles, and what programs are now being
implemented in this area by sociologists. The elements that contribute to crime are many and
diverse. It is made up of psychological and social conditions that interact with one another and
result in certain behavior being shown.
Part b
The topic of juvenile delinquency, such as the engagement of kids in unlawful activities
is one that I would want to investigate as a study subject. In order to better understand this
problem, I will be dra...

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