MGMT 5800 Johnson & Wales University Servant Leadership Case Study

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Business Finance

MGMT 5800

Johnson & Wales University



Please read the Servant Leadership case and then address the Case Study Questions below. Please use APA format as shown in the APA Template provided.

Your Case Study Paper should provide a cohesive narrative fully addressing the questions and recapping the relevant data, problems/causes, and outcomes from the article attached.

  • Include citations to the source article, as well as to the textbook where appropriate, the paper and in a References page on the last page of your paper.
  • In-text citations should be in the format (Vanderpyl, 2012) or (Vanderpyl, 2012, p. X)
  • Citations for the textbook are (Daft, 2018) or (Daft, 2018, p. XXX).
  • Include both sources in a Reference page on the last page of your paper.

Aim for 4-6 pages for this Case Study.


  1. Case Background: Provide a meaningful summary of the case background. This information should be addressed in a chronological and narrative format. Be sure to address each of the bullets below.
    1. Identify the problems and underlying causes. Be sure to include relevant dates and present your narrative in chronological order of their occurrence.
    2. Identify the stakeholders involved in this case (e.g., nurses union, media, clients, etc.).
    3. Describe how Cowan’s predecessor (the leader prior to Cowan’s appointment as CEO in 2001) lead and managed the organization and the outcomes of his leadership.
  2. Leadership Strategies: The article discusses four major strategies that Cowan used in leading SMHC (listed in bullets below). Choose and describe the strategy that you think was most effective and why you believe it was the strategy that worked best for Cowan in SMHC’s turnaround.
    1. Get in their face
    2. Offer to serve, rather than be served
    3. Weed the garden
    4. Give the credit away
  3. Leadership Traits and Communication Tactics: Discuss the leadership traits and the communication tactics used by Cowan (refer to textbook chapter 9) to motivate, collaborate, and innovate. Be sure to provide citations to the textbook when you use concepts from it in your discussion.
  4. Outcomes of Servant Leadership: Discuss the relational and financial outcomes of Cowan's servant leadership to this healthcare institution, its employees, and other stakeholders (e.g., unions).
  5. Challenges of Servant Leadership: Identify and discuss the challenges that make servant leadership so difficult to implement in practice. Identify at least two of the challenging elements of this leadership style for servant leaders. 

Explanation & Answer:
4 pages
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Servant Leadership Outline

When Kevin Cowan took over as CEO, he had several challenges that he needed to
address for the company to thrive

When Cowan took over as CEO in 2001, the hospital was amidst a financial crisis
brought on by bad management choices and unsustainable staffing patterns

Cowan used this technique by simply meeting down with stakeholders affected by the
company and the changes in some manner

SMHC worked hard to provide CHR with anything they needed, which was welcomed
and reciprocated by CHR, resulting in a less adversarial relationship

Cowan motivated, collaborated, and innovated using several essential leadership
attributes and communication strategies

Several obstacles make servant leadership difficult to put into practice


Servant Leadership
Student's Name

1. Case Background:

1. Identify the problems and underlying causes. Be sure to include relevant
dates and present your narrative in chronological order of their

When Kevin Cowan took over as CEO, he had several challenges that he needed to
address for the company to thrive. Before Kevin Cowan was appointed CEO, SMHC was
financially reliant on Chinook Health Region (CHR) for financing in the 1990s. Since CHR had
been paying SMHC, their relationship was fantastic at first, but it eroded as time passed. Funding
disagreements, a lack of communication, and a high level of stress were the issues they faced.
The SMHC board of directors parted ways with its long-time CEO in late 1998 and selected an
interim CEO. Employees were also dissatisfied with their jobs. Their morale had plummeted
because of bad management leadership, and they had lost interest and love for their job.
Employees such as LPNs went on strike in May 2000, affecting all parties involved (Vanderpyl,
2012). Cowan also dealt with the constant unfavorable media coverage that SMHC received.
From the case study, one editorial said that "the center is dangerously understaffed, and lives
hang in the balance in a scenario like that." This sort of bad exposure only served to tarnish
SMHC's image.
When Cowan took ...

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