BUS303 Ashford University Week 5 Human Resource Management Paper

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Waypoint Assignment Reflective Paper The primary function of human resource management is to increase the effectiveness and contribution of employees in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. Consider all the areas of HRM that have been discussed in class: • • • • • • EEO and Affirmative Action, Human resources planning, recruitment, and selection, Human resources development, Compensation and benefits, Safety and Health, and Employee and labor relations. Submit a Reflective Paper in which you explain how these aspects work together to perform that primary function. Are any aspects more important than the others? Why or why not? How do you believe the HRM role can be optimized for shaping organizational and employee behavior? The Reflective Paper must: (a) identify the main issues in the chosen area, (b) demonstrate new learning that has occurred, (c) include class activities or incidents that facilitated learning and understanding, (d) identify specific current and/or future applications and relevance to your workplace, and (e) reflect the potential impact to your future career plans or even in your personal life at home. The emphasis of the Reflective Paper should be on parts ‘d’ and ‘e,’ and on the application of new learning. Explore, in depth, the benefits of the new learning and understanding that has taken place. Writing the Reflective Paper The Reflective Paper: • • • • • • • • Must be seven to eight double-spaced pages in length, excluding the cover page and reference page, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Must include a title page with the following: o Title of paper o Student’s name o Course number and name o Instructor’s name o Date submitted Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. Must use at least five scholarly sources, in addition to the text. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide and has at least five references in addition to the text. Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
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Human Resource Management




Human Resource Management
Human resource management is the nerve center of any business organization that is
determined to attain a unique competitive advantage. Just like the nerve center of the human
heart, HR is the myogenic pacemaker which ensures that organizational activities are executed
up to the best level. Despite the fact that other organizational departments play a significant role
in influencing productivity, HR is the overall success determiner within organizations (Johnason,
2009). It is such a crucial department that maximizes employee performance, correct execution
of the employee compensation packages, executing of policies and other important organizations
requirements, implementation of performance appraisals, conducting of employee recruiting,
training & development; and ensuring that organizational change is executed in a streamlined
manner. This essay is addressing concrete functions of the human resource management which
ensure that an organization is well placed in attaining a unique competitive advantage in the
business industry it is immersed.
EEO and Affirmative Action
HR is the sole division within an organization which ensures that there is equal
employment opportunity for all people who are interested to work in any organization. EEO laws
prohibit employee discrimination and harassment in employment (Collings & Wood, 2009). HR
addresses the following key issues of EEO: religious and political affiliations, age, race, gender,
sexuality and medical condition. Human resource management has to put in place effective
strategies of ensuring that such laws are well implemented without compromising fundamental
rights of both the management and organizational employees.



Affirmative action comprises of concrete actions such as recruitment of qualified
minority groups, women, people with disabilities and veterans. In conjunction with EEO laws,
affirmative actions being executed by the HR include but not limited to: employee training
programs, outreach efforts to the community and other essential actions of ensuring that an
organization is able to implement equal employment opportunities (Collings & Wood, 2009).
Both equal employment opportunity laws and affirmative actions are fused together by the
human resource management to enhance elements of streamlined flows within business
organizations. HR is always focused in enforcing integrity for both EEO and affirmative action
Human Resources Planning, Recruitment, and Selection
Employee recruitment is the core task of the human resource department within an
organization. Recruitment refers to the concrete process of attracting, selecting and appointing
suitable candidates for specific jobs within an organization (Klerck, 2009). Recruitment can be
for both voluntary or permanent and pensionable job opportunities. The comprehensive process
of employee recruitment comprises of: preliminary stage of job analysis, sourcing, screening and
selection of those deemed having necessary qualities for specific job ...

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