Texas Tech University Owning Guns Presentation

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Texas Tech University


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1 Outline: Owning Guns Student’s Name: Course Title: Submission Date: 2 People should be allowed to Owning Gun a. Attention getter: Can you imagine receiving a call from your neighbor that your six-yearold son is playing with your gun outside? b. Need step: I am going to discuss and provide insight on the consequences of allowing citizens to own guns. According to an article by Saada, Gallup news, approximately 44% of Americans claimed to live in homesteads with a gun. From November 2020, the sale of guns increased by 40% in the US. The consequence was an increase in the number of people injured or killed by guns. This has increased the mortality rates in the nation. Even children and teenagers get involved in mass shootings. How does it feel when your child or family member gets involved in gun killings? The FOX Atlanta news reveals the story of an eightyear-old boy in Dekalb County who accidentally shot his sibling aged 6 on 8th April 2022, killing him. Everybody in the community needs to understand what it means to own a gun. As a parent, I need to make decisions that will not adversely affect my family. c. Satisfaction: when I watch the news, read articles, and see how guns have impacted our society, I get scared. You never know who to trust whenever violence erupts. Now that I have seen a child shoot his siblings, can I trust my children to go play in the open fields with them? Trust is questionable. Anytime one makes a mistake, a bullet is likely to get involved. How many lives have to be claimed in gun violence to realize this is a serious issue? d. Visualization: Imagine a new neighbor who has four children has moved next to your place. Her children are playful and like visiting your home to play with your kids. You have got the news that in the previous place your neighbor moved from, her elder son got involved in gun violence and injured another child. Will you feel safe leaving your kids to play with them on their own? 3 e. Thesis preview: I will discuss the impacts of owning guns and their effects on children. Through understanding theories created by great psychologists like Albert Bandura, it will be easy to understand why children are likely to fall victim to incidences involving guns. Here, I will explain violent television programs and video games. Furthermore, I will give reasons why people think they should own guns. Transition: What makes gun ownership a dangerous notion for the American community? II. Body Main Point 1: Why people choose to own guns in the US. ❖ Security-discuss what personal protection is and entails. Due to the increase in the number of crimes in the US, most individuals believe they should be owning guns. They want to be equipped to counter any attacks they will face from violent individuals. They feel safer when they have access to ammunitions. ❖ Hunting. Communities that live near forests engage in hunting practices. It is part of their culture and feel more comfortable when using guns to hunt. Furthermore, some hunt for sporting reasons. limiting their access to guns is denying them pleasure. Main Point 2. Adverse Consequences of guns ❖ Increased mass killings. Analyze examples of these killings from social, online, and other media platforms. There have been mass killings in our communities. When individuals get involved in conflicts, they tend to involve violence. Some end up using their guns leading to increased gun shootings. 4 ❖ Post-traumatic stress. Some people end up shooting others without the intention. For instance, in the case of children, most gun-shootings are unintentional. This leaves them with post-traumatic stress that is difficult to recover from. ❖ Increased insecurity. Conflict is part of our lives. It is normal for people to fall into arguments. But this does not mean they have to fight. With guns available, most disagreements are dangerous as people are likely to fall victims of gun-shots. Main Point 3: Children and guns ❖ Theoretical framework- Bandura’s experiments on viewing violent television programs and playing violent video games like Grand Theft Auto (GTA). According to Bandura, exposing children to violent programs makes them violent. As a child grows, the environment plays a crucial role. The interaction he gets interferes with the reactions the/she will exhibit in different situations. Conclusion Repeat the thesis: The possession of guns puts the community in danger. Individuals are likely to solve even small disputes through gun violence. Repeat the problem: The impacts are enormous and will lead to increased mortality rates. When it comes to children, the situation is even worse. Exposing them to violent programs is directly related to the gun violence acts they get involved in. Clincher. If we do not control guns, they will control the lives of our children. 5 References Blum, D., & Jaworski, C. (2021). Critical Mass: Understanding and Fixing the Social Roots of Mass Shootings in the United States (1st ed.). Routledge. Brownlee, C. (2021, January 3). 2020 by the Numbers. The TRACE. Retrieved April 10, 2022, from https://www.thetrace.org/newsletter/2020-by-thenumbers/?gclid=CjwKCAjw3cSSBhBGEiwAVII0Z0j3s96e1yZlBPHITz7wTTL6zbHH mFNGTeMugLoLZXiemhD0B6HjCBoCBb4QAvD_BwE Crummett, D., & Swenson, P. (2019). Gun Control, the Right to Self-Defense, and Reasonable Beneficence to All. Ergo, an Open Access Journal of Philosophy, 6(20201214). https://doi.org/10.3998/ergo.12405314.0006.036 Hill, B. (2022, April 9). 8-year-old boy shoots, kills 6-year-old brother; father facing charges. FOX 5 Atlanta. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/boy-dies-from-shooting-at-dekalbcounty-home Jones, M. A., & Stone, G. W. (2015). The U.S. Gun-Control Paradox: Gun Buyer Response To Congressional Gun-Control Initiatives. Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER), 13(4), 167. https://doi.org/10.19030/jber.v13i4.9449 Saad, L. (2020, November 13). What Percentage of Americans Own Guns? GALLUP. Retrieved April 10, 2022, from https://news.gallup.com/poll/264932/percentage-americans-ownguns.aspx
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Owning Guns
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People Should be Allowed to Own Guns
 People have different opinions concerning owning guns.
 Some cannot bear the thought of their child being exposed

to guns to the extent of playing with them.
 Other’s see guns as a protective measure and hence see no
problem living with them (Blum & Jaworski, 2021).
 There are people who misuse the privilege to own guns.
 Such cases include people threatening others or acting out
of anger.

➢ The approximated percentage of

Americans owning guns is 44%
(Saad, 2020).
➢ This approximations is from a

Gallup News in an article by
➢ Guns sale in America have

➢ As from November 2020, guns

sale have gone up by roughly
➢ The guns sale increase has led to

various consequences.

Consequences of Owning Guns
 The number of people killed by guns have tremendously

 Additionally, gun related injuries have also increased.
 Guns have generally increased the country...

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